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作者(外文):Chen, Bing Hong
論文名稱(中文):廢料之復活: 利用鍍膜及電漿表面改質技術於回收矽/碳化矽之複合材 與其鋰離子電池之應用
論文名稱(外文):A Revival of Waste: Surface Modification via Coating and Plasma Jet in Recycled Si/SiC Composite for Lithium Ion Batteries
指導教授(外文):Duh, Jenq Gong
口試委員(外文):Hu, Chi Chang
Shih, Toung Yi
Liu, Wei Ren
Hsiao, Li Yin
外文關鍵詞:Lithium ion batteriesSiliconRecycled wasteAtmospheric pressure plasmaSurface modificationCoating
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在過去數十年,鋰離子電池的發展被視為一開發的主流來解決能源儲存裝置之議題。在此相關產業蓬勃發展的同時,高電容密度以及低環境影響的條件已被當作鋰離子電池正負極活物選用時的基本要求。現今負極活性材料,多採用碳材為主而限制了其高電容量之發展性。其中矽基負極材料,因充放電過程中形成Li15Si4合金所貢獻之理論電容量高達3590 mAh/g 可吻合高電容量的條件,被認定為最具潛力來取代傳統碳基電池的潛力材料,但卻因其合金化過程所造成的體積膨脹與伴隨的固態電解質生成相,造成電容量之衰減而影響其應用端的發展。為了克服矽基電池的缺點,大部份的研究致力於 (1) 合成各種特殊形貌來縮小矽粉體至奈米尺度, (2) 包覆或混合添加物於粉體上或漿料中,或 (3) 加入電解液添加劑等方法。然而,上述等方法往往與商業化之低成本以及環保之低污染源的需求大相逕庭。
In the past decade, the rising development of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) has been recognized as a tidal current for solving energy storage related issues. Under this technical billow, the demands of active materials with lower environmental impact and higher energy density are considered as the criteria for LIBs materials. Especially for anodic material, the present carbon-based electrode is limited in the potential applications with high capacity because of its theoretic capacity (372 mAh/g). To achieve the goal for high capacity anodes, silicon (Si) with 3590 mAh/g theoretical capacity meets the requirement by forming Li15Si4 phase during cycling processes to replace present conventional carbon-based batteries. However, the capacity fading caused by the intrinsic drawbacks of volumetric expansion and continuous formation of solid electrolyte interphase hinders the dissemination of Si-based LIBs. To overcome the disadvantages of Si, numerous studies have endeavored (1) to shrink Si particles to nanometer scales by using various morphology-chemical synthesis techniques, (2) to wrap or mix conductive additives onto particles or into slurries, and (3) to add electrolyte additives. Unfortunately, the as-mentioned methods mostly fail to accommodate the cost-effectiveness of commercialization and low pollution of environmental friendliness.
In the pursuit of low cost and high environmental friendly anode material, a distinct resource of Si-based anode material is explored in this study. The recycled material is extracted from the cutting waste fluid produced in solar panel industry. After purification technology of chemical rinsing and physical separation, the obtained composites show much larger particle size than commonly nanolized Si particles, and possess the abundant organic bonds and native oxide on the surface of particle. Unlike conventional methods to focus on the synthesis process of powder, the as-prepared electrodes will be treated via various surface modifications, including techniques of carbon deposition and atmospheric pressure plasma jet. The combined processing reduces the capacity degradation by interfacial control to convert the surface bonds with the effectiveness to suppress the growth of SEI, and then maintain the stabilization of electrode during cycling. In addition, the entire electrode collocates with conductive agent and electrolyte additive to provide the conductivity and to improve the internal SEI formation. Overall, the developed techniques of surface modifications are not only scalable, simple, low-cost and environmental friendly but also effective to achieve the excellent performance with high capacity. It is expected for similar potential usage in others battery system. The selected recycled waste for anodic material should be applicable and suitable for the future blueprint in the commercialization for LIBs.
Contents 1
Figures 6
Chapter 1 15
1.1 Background 15
1.2 Motivations and Objectives 17
1.3 Stages for Reviving Wafer Waste 18
1.3.1 Stage I. Carbon (C) Additives and Pitch Wrapping Technique (PWT) 18
1.3.2 Stage II. Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT by sputtering) 18
1.3.3 Stage III. Nitrogen-Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (N-APPJ) 19
1.3.4 Stage IV. Multiple Surface Modification by Plasma Enhanced Carbon Veil (PEC-veil) 19
1.3.5 Stage V. Synergistic Fusion of Spatial and Interfacial Control40 20
Chapter 2 Literature Survey 21
2.1 Environmental issues 21
2.2 Renewable energies 22
2.3 Silicon Wafer Waste 23
2.4 Lithium Ion Batteries (LIBs) 27
2.4.1 Evolution of LIBs 27
2.4.2 The Reaction Mechanism of LIBs 32
2.4.3 Evolution of Anode Materials 36
2.5 Si-based Anode Materials 40
2.5.1. Basic Concept of Si-based Anode 40
2.5.2 Particle Size Effects in Si-based Lithium-ion Battery 46
2.5.3 Spatial Control: Architectural Designs of Si/C Hybrid Anode Materials 49
2.5.5 Si-N compounds and Li-N matrix 56
2.6 Methodologies of Micro-sized Si/SiC Composites from Wafer Waste 59
Chapter 3 Experimental Details 61
3.1 Material Preparation 61
3.1.1 Waste from Solar Industry 61
3.1.2 Carbon Assisted Method(CAT) and Pitch Wrapping Technique (PWT) 61
3.1.3 Nitrogen Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (N-APPJ) 62
3.1.4 Carbon Veil (C-veil) and Plasma Enhanced C-veil (PEC-veil) 63
3.1.5 Double-Plasma Enhanced Carbon Shield (D-PECS) 63
3.2 Characterization an Analysis 64
3.2.1 Phase Identification 64
3.2.2 Compositional Evaluation and Element Mapping 64
3.3.3 Morphology Observation 64
3.3 Electrochemical Analysis 65
3.3.1 Electrode Parameters and Battery Assembly 65
3.1.2 Cyclability and Rate Capability Measurement 65
3.3.3 Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) 66
Results and Discussions 67
Chapter 4 Preliminary Examinations of Si/SiC composites 67
4.1 Phase Identifications, Morphologies and Particle Distribution 68
4.2 Wafer Orientation and Native Oxide 71
4.3 Surface bonds of Pristine Powder from Waste 73
4.4 Performance of Recycled Waste without Treatment 75
4.5 Stage I. Carbon Additives and Pitch Wrapping 77
Chapter 5 Interfacial Control for Si/SiC Composites by Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT) 85
5.1 Simplify the Waste-based Electrode 85
5.2 Development of Stage II. Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT) 85
5.3 Characteristics of Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT) for Modified Electrode 86
5.4 Optimum Thickness of Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT) 89
5.5 Comparison of Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT) and Pitch Wrapping Technique (PWT) 90
5.6 Investigation of Electrochemical Behaviors 95
5.7 Summaries of Stage II. Carbon Assisted Technique (CAT) 98
Chapter 6 Interfacial Control for Si/SiC Composites by Nitrogen-Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (N-APPJ) 99
6.1 Preface 99
6.2 Chemical Compositions of Surface Bonds 100
6.3 Qualitative and Quantitate Analysis for N-APPJ 104
6.4 Plasma Mechanism of N-APPJ and Electrochemical Behaviors after N-APPJ 111
6.5 Investigation of Formed SEI and Electrodes after First Cycle 118
6.6 Summaries of Stage III. Nitrogen-Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (N-APPJ) 126
Chapter 7 Interfacial Control for Si/SiC Composites by Stage IV. Multiple Surface Modifications (C-veil and PEC-veil) 127
7.1 Preface 127
7.2 Schematic Diagram of Stage IV. C-veil and PEC-veil 128
7.3 Characteristics and Optimized Thickness of C-veil and PEC-veil 129
7.4 Qualitative and Quantitate Analysis for C-veil and PEC-veil 134
7.5 Electrochemical Behaviors after the Modifications of C-veil and PEC-veil 139
7.6 Investigation of Formed SEI and Electrodes after First Cycle 146
7.7 Summaries of Stage IV. Multiple Surface Modifications: C-veil and PEC-veil 153
Chapter 8 Stage V. Synergetic Fusion Of Spatial & Interfacial Control 155
8.1 Preface 155
8.2 Infrastructure of Stage V. Synergetic Fusion of Spatial & Interfacial Control 157
8.3 Spatial Control: Active/Inactive/Conductive Additives 160
8.4 Interfacial Control: Internal/External/Fusion electrode modifications 165
8.5 Rate Performance of Micro-Sized Si Electrodes and Impedance Analysis 169
8.6 Homogeneity and Effects of D-PECS Electrode Modification 172
8.7 Investigation of Formed SEI and Electrodes after First Cycle 176
8.8 Summaries of Stage V. Synergetic Fusion of Spatial and Interfacial Control 181
Chapter 9 Conclusions 183
References 187

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