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論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Characterization of Single CuOx Nanowire Resistive Random Access Memory
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本論文的第一部份利用規則排列的奈米多孔性陽極氧化鋁薄膜(Anodic Aluminum Oxide;AAO)作為模板,以脈衝電鍍法的方式合成銅奈米線陣列,然後將其在氧環境下加溫氧化,製備出大規模且具有一致性的氧化銅奈米線(nanowire)陣列,並在單根氧化銅奈米線元件發現無極性(nonpolar) 的電阻轉換特性,其高低阻值比(on/off ratio)大於103,低操作電壓(< 2.5 V),可連續操作50次循環,值得一題的是,此一奈米線元件不需額外的電致形成操作(electroforming),具有潛力發展成奈米線電阻式記憶體元件。
第二部分則嘗試將化學液相合成的銅奈米線於大氣室溫環境下,藉由電性操作直接氧化並發現雙極性(bipolar)的電阻轉換現象,根據數據統計結果發現造成氧化的電流密度落在特定範圍,顯示此一方法具有重複再現的可能,其高低阻值比大於103,低操作電壓(< 1 V),可連續操作100次循環,未來希望可以調控氧化阻態,並應用在銅奈米線陣列,達到可選區直接氧化的目標。
摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Objectives of this study 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Resistive RAM 5
2.1-1 Devices performance criteria of ReRAM 5
2.2 Classification of resistive switching characteristics 7
2.2-1 Switching polarity 7
2.2-2 Switching mechanisms 9
2.2-3 Electroforming process 12
2.3 Nanowire-based ReRAM 14
2.3-1 Switching in metal-oxide NWs 14
2.3-2 Switching in segmented metal-oxide NWs 17
2.3-3 Switching in core-shell NWs 18
Chapter 3 Experimental Techniques 20
3.1 Material and electrical analysis 20
3.1-1 X-ray diffractometer 20
3.1-2 Field-emission scanning electron microscopy 20
3.1-3 Field-emission transmission electron microscopy 22
3.1-4 Electron energy loss spectroscopy 24
3.1-5 Keithley 4200 semiconductor analyzer 27
Chapter 4 Single CuOx Nanowire Memristor: Forming-Free Resistive Switching Behavior 28
4.1 Motivation 28
4.2 Experimental Procedures 30
4.2.1 Sample Fabrication 30
4.2.2 Material and Electrical Characterization 32
4.3 Results and Discussion 33
4.4 Summary 48
Chapter 5 Direct Current-Induced Oxidization of Metallic Nanowires and their Resistive Switching Properties 49
5.1 Motivation 49
5.2 Results and Discussion 50
5.3 Summary 55
References 56
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