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論文名稱(外文):Designing Cu and Ag bearing 200 series stainless steels for antibacterial applications
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先進的 200 系列不鏽鋼的合金設計以添加銅銀為主,其目的為增加抗菌性質
來提升 200 系不鏽鋼的競爭力。因為兩者添加的銅和銀在以鐵為主的基底相中的溶解度很低,而會在基底析出富銅和富銀相的微觀結構,此兩相具有顯著的抗菌能力; 富銅+富銀相的總面積比及富銅/富銀的比例可以通過時效熱處理來控制。
令人感興趣的是,用較高的銅/銀組成比,於設計的數組合金中,其中一組銅銀比已經顯示出富銅和富銀相共同組成的共析出物,而非是單獨析出的富銅和富銀相; 而且在這個類的合金中,此種共析出物是首次被發現。由於富銀相的固溶溫度比富銅相來的高,故此富銅相的分佈情形可以通過富銀相的析出成核成長的位置來控制。所以我們的研究會以該合金的共析出機制、共析出的微觀結構與不同溫度下的變化情形為主要焦點;敝研究的實驗包括: 熱處理的研究、腐蝕試驗、抗菌的評測。研究結果表明,經此設計後的合金性能相較於商業合金具有相當的耐蝕性和抗菌性能。
致 謝 I
Abstract III
摘 要 IV
Content V
List of Figure VIII
List of Table XIII
I Introduction 1
II Literature review 3
2.1 Basic Introduction of 200 Series Low-Nickel Stainless Steel 4
2.2 The background of 200 series stainless steel, 204Cu grades 8
2.2.1 The mechanical property of 200series stainless steel 9
2.2.2 The corrosion resistance of 200series stainless steel 10
2.3 Antibacterial mechanism of precipitates enriched in copper and silver 13
2.3.1 The solubility of copper and silver in stainless steel 13
2.3.2 The morphology of epsilon-Cu phase and silver-enriched phase 14
2.3.3 The antibacterial heat treatment 17
2.3.4 The antibacterial property of copper and silver 17
2.4 Corrosion mechanism of copper and silver bearing stainless steel 21
2.4.1 The influencing factors of pitting corrosion 21
2.4.2 The two main mechanisms of pitting corrosion 22
III Experiments 25
3.1 Alloy design 26
3.1.1 The addition of Copper element 28
3.1.2 The addition of Silver element 28
3.1.3 The addition of Manganese element 29
3.1.4 The addition of Silicon element 30
3.2 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis 31
3.3 Solution heat treatment (SHT) 32
3.4 Aging process (antibacterial phases precipitated process) 34
3.5 Hot rolling process 34
3.6 Antibacterial test 35
3.7 Corrosion test 36
3.7.1 Linear sweep voltammetry test 37
3.7.2 Immersed weight loss test 37
3.8 Material Analysis 38
3.8.1 X-ray diffractometer 38
3.8.2 Optical metallography 39
3.8.3 Scanning electron microscopy 39
3.8.4 Transmission Electron Microscope 40
IV Results and discussion 41
4.1 Microstructure Analysis 41
4.2 Solution heat treatment 46
4.2.1 DSC analysis 46
4.2.2 Microstructure analysis 47
4.2.3 XRD result 50
4.3 Precipitation treatment for antibacterial performance 52
4.3.1 Microstructure analysis 52
4.3.2 XRD result 55
4.4 Microstructures after hot rolling processes 56
4.4.1 Microstructure analysis 56
4.4.2 XRD result 63
4.5 Antibacterial test 64
4.6 Corrosion test 67
4.6.1 Linear sweep voltammetry test 67
4.6.2 Immersed weight loss test 70
4.7 Discussion 76
4.7.1 The formation of co-precipitates 76
4.7.2 Antibacterial factors 79
4.7.3 Galvanic effect of co-precipitates 81
V Conclusion 84
VI Future work 85
VII References 86

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