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論文名稱(外文):Multivariate Multiple Linear Profile Monitoring Based on Partial Least Squares Regression
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Quality control of the manufacturing process and how to monitor the process more effectively are important issues in the recent. In many practical manufacturing processes, the quality can be expressed by a function of one or more explanatory variables and response variables, and this kind of data is known as profile data. There are many literatures talking about the methods of linear profile monitoring today, but the current methods of linear profile monitoring apply only to the case that the number of observations is sufficient to estimate all regression parameters. For the case that the number of observations is not sufficient to estimate all parameters, there still have no effective methods to monitor the linear profile.
For the multivariate multiple linear profile monitoring in the case that the number of observations is not sufficient, this article would propose a control chart based on the partial least squares. We would also use the proposed control chart to perform linear profile monitoring, and then perform the statistical simulation to assess the efficiency. Finally, we would use an example to illustrate how to monitor the linear profile using the proposed control chart.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 輪廓監控的起源與發展 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 監控方法 5
2.1 PLS方法 5
2.1.1 起源與發展 5
2.1.2 基本概念 5
2.1.3 模型 6
2.1.4 運算法-SIMPLS 7
2.2 多維度多重線性模型 10
2.3 多維度多重線性輪廓之監測方法 11
2.3.1 監控PLS內部模型係數之管制圖 13
2.3.2 監控PLS內部模型誤差項共變異數矩陣之管制圖 13
2.3.3 監控PLS內部模型之聯合管制圖 14
第三章 統計模擬 16
3.1 模擬之模型 16
3.2 聯合管制圖的使用 17
3.2.1 潛在成份個數c的選取 18
3.2.2 第一階段-PLS內部模型參數估計 18
3.2.3 聯合管制圖之UCL 18
3.2.4 第二階段-監控多維度多重線性輪廓 19
3.3 EWMA與Shewhart聯合管制圖的效率比較 19
3.3.1 單一參數改變 20
3.3.2 兩個參數同時改變 21
3.3.3 效率比較結論 23
第四章 實例 24
4.1 資料背景 24
4.2 飛航校正模型 25
4.3 監控過程 27
第五章 結論與未來研究 29
附表 30
表一 不同潛在成分個數所能解釋的X變異與Y變異的比例 30
表二 EWMA和Shewhart聯合管制圖之UCL (模擬) 31
表三 改變為 時,聯合管制圖之 32
表四 改變為 時,聯合管制圖之 34
表五 改變為 時,聯合管制圖之 36
表六 、 改變為 且 改變為 時,聯合管制圖之 37
表七 、 改變為 且 改變為 時,聯合管制圖之 41
表八 、 改變為 且 改變為 時,聯合管制圖之 45
表九 EWMA和Shewhart聯合管制圖之UCL (實例) 49
參考文獻 50
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