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作者(外文):Sung, Pei-Yuan
論文名稱(中文):A fast gene-gene interaction test considering the correlation in family data (The G-Core Test)
指導教授(外文):Chung, Ren-Hua
Hsieh, Wen-Ping
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Yen-Feng
Tsou, Hsiao-Hui
中文關鍵詞:gene-gene interaction
外文關鍵詞:gene-gene interation
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:264
  • 評分評分:*****
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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been a popular strategy for identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with complex diseases. Gene-gene interactions may play an important role in complex diseases. Therefore, many statistical methods have been developed for gene-gene interaction analysis for GWAS in case-control studies. However, only a few methods are available for family-based interaction analysis and these methods are computationally intensive. Therefore, current family-based interaction methods are not applicable to genome-wide interaction studies that test all possible pairs of SNPs across the genome. We propose an efficient family-based gene-gene interaction test, which compares the difference in log odds ratios for a pair of SNPs between cases and controls. Extended from the Transmission Disequilibrium Test (TDT), cases and controls are defined as the transmitted and non-transmitted haplotypes, respectively, in triads (two parents and one affected child). Extended from the sib TDT (S-TDT), cases and controls are defined as the genotypes in affected and unaffected sibs in discordant sib pairs (DSP), respectively. Multinomial and multivariate hypergeometric distributions are assumed for the statistics for triads and DSPs, respectively, to calculate the variance and covariance. If the sample consists of both triads and DSPs, the statistics for triads and DSPs are combined in the test. We used simulations to demonstrate that the proposed test has correct type I error rates under different scenarios, such as different sample sizes, family structures, and minor allele frequencies. We also performed power studies to evaluate the power for the proposed test with other family-based interaction methods. The results suggested that the proposed test is a valid test and has power comparable to the existing tests. We also used simulations to show that the proposed test runs 20 times faster than the regression-based interaction test. Finally, we applied the test to a family GWAS study for hypertension and several promising SNP-SNP interactions were identified.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been a popular strategy for identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with complex diseases. Gene-gene interactions may play an important role in complex diseases. Therefore, many statistical methods have been developed for gene-gene interaction analysis for GWAS in case-control studies. However, only a few methods are available for family-based interaction analysis and these methods are computationally intensive. Therefore, current family-based interaction methods are not applicable to genome-wide interaction studies that test all possible pairs of SNPs across the genome. We propose an efficient family-based gene-gene interaction test, which compares the difference in log odds ratios for a pair of SNPs between cases and controls. Extended from the Transmission Disequilibrium Test (TDT), cases and controls are defined as the transmitted and non-transmitted haplotypes, respectively, in triads (two parents and one affected child). Extended from the sib TDT (S-TDT), cases and controls are defined as the genotypes in affected and unaffected sibs in discordant sib pairs (DSP), respectively. Multinomial and multivariate hypergeometric distributions are assumed for the statistics for triads and DSPs, respectively, to calculate the variance and covariance. If the sample consists of both triads and DSPs, the statistics for triads and DSPs are combined in the test. We used simulations to demonstrate that the proposed test has correct type I error rates under different scenarios, such as different sample sizes, family structures, and minor allele frequencies. We also performed power studies to evaluate the power for the proposed test with other family-based interaction methods. The results suggested that the proposed test is a valid test and has power comparable to the existing tests. We also used simulations to show that the proposed test runs 20 times faster than the regression-based interaction test. Finally, we applied the test to a family GWAS study for hypertension and several promising SNP-SNP interactions were identified.
Introduction 1
Methods 4
The PLINK interaction statistic 4
The G-core statistic for Triad 5
The G-core statistic for DSP 7
The G-core statistic for Triad and DSP 9
Simulations 11
Simulation tools 11
Type I error and power simulations 12
Performance comparison 14
Results 15
Type I error simulations 15
Power simulations 16
Performance comparison 19
Real data analysis 19
Discussion 21
Appendix 24
Appendix A 24
Appendix B 31
Reference 39
Figures 42
Tables 47
Supplementary Information 60
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