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作者(外文):Wang, Fu Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Cobalt Mediated Radical Polymerization: from Catalysts and Mechanism Studies to Materials Applications
指導教授(外文):Peng, Chi How
口試委員(外文):Chen, Hsin Lung
Chen, Jiun Tai
Wang, Chien Lung
Wang, Jane
Peng, Chi How
外文關鍵詞:living radical polymerizationcobalt mediated radical polymerizationdegenerative transfermaterials science
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:75
  • 評分評分:*****
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Cobalt mediated radical polymerization (CMRP) is a living radical polymerization method, which has been recognized as one of the most efficient way to control the polymerization of vinyl esters. This research was divided into three parts. In the first chapter we demonstrated the different controlling pathway by applying three cobalt complex in the polymerization of vinyl acetate (VAc). Also the correlation between equilibrium constant and the redox potential of the complexes was established. Next, one of the controlling pathway in CMRP, degenerative transfer (DT), was studied. We build a model to describe the DT mechanism. The model was further proven by both simulation and experimental data. In the last part, CMRP was applied to obtain hydrophilic poly(acrylic acid)-b-poly(vinyl alcohol) block copolymer. The materials were studied by thermal analysis and mechanical characterization.
Abstract 1
List of Publications.....4
Chapter 1. The Mechanism and Thermodynamic Studies of CMRP: Different Control Mechanisms Demonstrated by CoII(TMP), CoII(salen*), and CoII(acac)2 Mediated Polymerization and The Correlation of Reduction Potential, Equilibrium Constant, and Control Mechanism.....9
Supporting Information-Chapter 1.....33
Chapter 2. Mechanism Study of Degenerative Transfer via Observing the Distribution of Living Chains by Cobalt Mediated Radical Polymerization.....50
Supporting Information - Chapter 2.....60
Chapter 3. Highly Stretchable Free Standing Poly(acrylic acid)-b-Poly(vinyl alcohol) Membranes Obtained from Cobalt Mediated Radical Polymerization.....67
Supporing Information-Chapter 3.....93
Summary and Future Perspective.....104
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