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作者(外文):Chen, Hsiang Sheng
論文名稱(中文):一、一步合成法合成具有形狀控制的小顆硫化鉛奈米晶體與他們的生長機制 二、一步合成法合成大顆且具有明確晶面的硫化鉛奈米粒子與其晶面導向的導電性量測
論文名稱(外文):I. One Step Synthesis of Small PbS Nanocrystals with Shape Control and Their Growth Mechanism II. One Step Synthesis of Large PbS Nanocrystals with Well-Defined Facets and Their Facet-Dependent Electrical Conductivity Measurements
指導教授(外文):Huang, Hsuan Yi
外文關鍵詞:Lead SulfideFacetConductivityNanocrystal
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:271
  • 評分評分:*****
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We have fabricated small PbS nanocrystals (cubes: 21 nm; octahedra: 57 nm) in aqueous solution using an one-step approach. We gain knowledge in manipulating their shape and size by clear exploration of the relation between nucleation and crystal growth. This enables us to scale up the production using a more intuitive method. Also, the refined seeding growth method allows us to enlarge the size of PbS polyhedra, fulfilling single particle electrical conductivity measurements.
Facet-dependent electrical conductivity of Cu2O crystals has been previously revealed. In this study, we have again successfully demonstrated the facet-dependent electrical property of PbS using face-raised cubes, edge-and corner-truncated cubes, edge- and corner-truncated octahedra and pristine octahedra with the size of several hundreds of nanometers. Two tungsten probes are manipulated to contact the opposite faces of a single particle. The {110} facets showed the highest electrical conductivity, followed by the {100} facets and the {111} facets were observed to be the least conductive. The {111} facets are 500 times less conductive than the {110} faces at an applied voltage of 5 V. This study suggests that facet-dependent electrical conductivity should be regarded as an intrinsic property for semiconductors.

Abstract -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i
論文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v
List of Figures---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii
List of Schemes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii

Chapter 1 One Step Synthesis of Small PbS Nanocrystals with Shape Control and Their Growth Mechanism

1.1 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Experimental-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.2.1 Reagents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.2.2 Instrumentation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.2.3 One-pot synthesis of small PbS cubes ------------------------------------------------------3
1.2.4 One-pot synthesis of small PbS octahedra -------------------------------------------------4
1.2.5 Characterizations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Electron microscopy -----------------------------------------------------------------4 Element analysis by EDS and XPS ------------------------------------------------6 Powder X-ray diffraction ------------------------------------------------------------8 Zeta potential measurements --------------------------------------------------------9 Scaling up the production-----------------------------------------------------------10
1.3 Results and discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
1.3.1 Previous hypothesis: reaction rate determines shape ------------------------------------11
1.3.2 Nucleation versus crystal growth-----------------------------------------------------------12
1.3.3 The size effect of seeds in seeding growth method --------------------------------------13
1.3.4 Influence of reagent introduction sequence -----------------------------------------------20
1.4 Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
Appendix --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
i. measurements of particle size and its distribution -------------------------------------------28
ii. XPS data of PbS octahedra and cubes --------------------------------------------------------29

Chapter 2 One-Step Synthesis of Large PbS Nanocrystals with Well-Defined Facets and Their Facet-Dependent Electrical Conductivity Measurements

2.1 Preface-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35
2.2 Experimental------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36
2.2.1 Reagents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36
2.2.2 Instrumentation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------36
2.2.3 Preparation of large PbS nanocrystals------------------------------------------------------37 Synthesis and characterization of face-raised cubes and edge- and corner- truncated cubes -----------------------------------------------------------------------37 Synthesis of octahedra and edge- and corner-truncated octahedra -----------38
2.3 Single particle I-V curve measurements -----------------------------------------------------------------40
2.4 Results and discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42
2.4.1 I-V curve measurements of {111}-{111} --------------------------------------------------42
2.4.2 {100}-{100} electrical conductivity with different particle shapes and sizes---------44
2.4.3 {110}-{110} electrical conductivity with different particle shapes --------------------46
2.4.4 Comparing the electrical conductivity of the three basic facets and illustration of the modified band diagram of PbS and W probe ----------------------------------------------48
2.4.5 Probing different facets -----------------------------------------------------------------------50
2.5 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53


Chapter 1
One Step Synthesis of Small PbS Nanocrystals with Shape Control and Their Growth Mechanism
Figure 1.1 SEM, TEM images and SAED patterns of PbS nanocrystals --------------------------------5
Figure 1.2 Atomic sturcture of three basic facets of PbS --------------------------------------------------7
Figure 1.3 PXRD of PbS cubes and octahedra --------------------------------------------------------------8
Figure 1.4 Zeta potential measurements of synthesized PbS ----------------------------------------------9
Figure 1.5 Images of scaled up production------------------------------------------------------------------10
Figure 1.6 SEM images polyhedra prepared using seeding growth method----------------------------11
Figure 1.7 SEM images of synthesized PbS nanocrystal--------------------------------------------------14
Figure 1.8 SEM images of synthesized PbS nanocrystal--------------------------------------------------15
Figure 1.9 SEM images of synthesized PbS nanocrystal--------------------------------------------------17
Figure 1.10 SEM images of synthesized PbS nanocrystal ------------------------------------------------19
Figure 1.11 SEM images of the result of changing reagent introduction sequence--------------------21
Figure 1.12 Monitoring the pH value of the whole process-----------------------------------------------23
Figure 1.13 Monitoring the process of different reagent introduction sequence by UV-vis spectra 24
Figure 1.14 UV-vis absorption spectrum of PbS nanocrystals -------------------------------------------24

Chapter 2
One-step Synthesis of Large Lead Sulfide Nanocrystals with Well-Defined Facet and Their Facet-dependent Electrical Conductivity

Figure 2.1 SEM, TEM images and SEAD patterns of synthesized PbS nanocrystal------------------39
Figure 2.2 PXRD patterns of synthesized PbS nanocrystal-----------------------------------------------39
Figure 2.3 SEM image of single layer of edge- and corner-truncated PbS octahedra-----------------40
Figure 2.4 I-V characteristics of {111}-{111}--------------------------------------------------------------43
Figure 2.5 I-V characteristics of {100}-{100}--------------------------------------------------------------45
Figure 2.6 I-V characteristics of {110}-{110}--------------------------------------------------------------47
Figure 2.7 Comparison of I-V characteristics of the three basic facets of PbS crystals ---------------48
Figure 2.8 Proposed band diagram of PbS and W probe--------------------------------------------------49
Figure 2.9 I-V characteristics of probing {110}-{111} ---------------------------------------------------51
Figure 2.10 Proposed band diagram contacting two different facets ------------------------------------51


Chapter 1
One Step Synthesis of Small PbS Nanocrystals with Shape Control and Their Growth Mechanism
Scheme 1.1 Seeding growth method developed by Jian-Kwan Wu --------------------------------------11
Scheme 1.2 Seeding growth method using well-defined PbS cubes as seeds --------------------------13
Scheme 1.3 Seeding growth method using well-defined PbS octahedra as seeds----------------------15
Scheme 1.4 Seeding growth method using well-defined PbS cubes as seeds---------------------------17
Scheme 1.5 Seeding growth method using well-defined PbS octahedra as seeds----------------------19
Scheme 1.6 Changing reagent adding sequence ------------------------------------------------------------21

Chapter 2
One-step Synthesis of Large Lead Sulfide Nanocrystals with Well-Defined Facet and Their Facet-dependent Electrical Conductivity

Scheme 2.1 Layout of experimental setup-------------------------------------------------------------------41
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* *