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作者(外文):Yang, Shun Fu
論文名稱(中文):雷射加熱引發D2 由Ge(100) 晶面熱脫附與表面結構變化
論文名稱(外文):Laser Thermal Desorption of D2 from the Ge(100) Surface Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
指導教授(外文):Lin, Deng Sung
口試委員(外文):Lin, Heh Nan
Lo, Rong Li
Soo,Yun Liang
外文關鍵詞:temperaturedeuteriumhydrogengermanium(100)thermal desorptionlaser heat
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  • 評分評分:*****
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最初樣品是以室溫成長的D/Ge(100)表面,它是由1×1 ,2×1和 3×1結構所混合組成的。在雷射加熱樣品的過程中,隨著樣品溫度上升表面結構變的有序,並切在不同的溫度區間將由3×1或 2×1結構為表面結構的主體。而當溫度上升至530 K,表面懸鍵明顯增加,其中孤懸鍵 (single dangling bonds) 為對懸鍵 (paired dangling bonds) 的0.15倍。而當溫度超過550 K,表面重構出鍺鏈,甚至組成鍺島。雷射加熱樣品達到530 K及超過550 K的表面熱反應結果讚先前的研究會發現過。
最後利用第一階熱脫附反應來對溫度量測做一個校正的動作,此反應溫度約為530 K,而被校正的量測工具為遠紅外線熱像儀的測量以及簡易物理模型模擬的結果。
In this study we used a 532nm DPSS Laser to heat the D/Ge (100) surface induce a series of thermal reactions; these reactions have been investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Each of the reactions depend on surface temperature. One of these thermal reaction is the first order thermal desorption. Under the first order reaction, the surface will have a dramatic change upon a small change of temperature. We can use this change to calibrate temperature measurement at the surface layer.
The initial D/Ge (100) surface prepared in room temperature is disordered, consisting mixed local atomic arrangement. During laser heating, as the surface temperature increases, the surface structure became increasingly ordered; the structure is transformed to another structure. Then as surface temperature rises to ~530 K, the density of dangling bonds increases significantly. The single dangling bonds (SDs) is minority species, only 15% of that of the paired dangling bonds (PDs). As the temperature rises over 550K, Ge-strips appear on the surface, even form 2D Ge-islands. The result of laser heating process to 530 K and over 550 K didn’t discover in previous study.
Among of these thermal reactions, we can use D/Ge (100)-(2×1) thermal desorption reaction to calibrate internally the optical temperature measurement. We have found that the IR Imager’s suitable emissivity set point for the Germanium sample is 0.67 and, the error of the non-contact surface temperature measurement is within.
第一章 簡介 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2鍺晶體的結構 2
1.3第一階熱脫附原理 6
1.4相關文獻 8
1.4.1 H(D)/Ge(100)-(2×1),H(D)/Ge(100)-(3×1)結構 8
1.4.2 H完美飽和的在Ge(100)以2×1結構成長 11
1.4.3 H(D)/Ge(100) 的熱脫附現象 13
1.4.4 低覆蓋量(θ<0.15 ML)的H/Ge(100) 熱脫附行為 17
第二章 實驗儀器操作與原理 19
2.1真空系統 19
2.1.1真空幫浦及氣壓測量儀介紹 20
2.1.2抽真空概略程序 22
2.2 掃描穿隧電子顯微鏡(Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) 24
2.2.1 量子穿隧效應 24
2.2.2 穿隧式電子顯微鏡細部構造 26
2.2.3 掃描穿隧式顯微鏡之影像擷取 27
2.3探針製作、樣品準備 28
2.3.1 探針製作 28
2.3.2 樣品製備及氘的吸附 31
2.3.3 樣品溫度測量 33
2.4腔體外的儀器架設 34
2.4.1腔底外雷射的架設與樣品實際吸收值 34
2.4.2遠紅外線熱像儀 37
第三章 實驗結果與討論 41
3.1 D/Ge(100) 熱脫附量與溫度關係及STM 影像熱脫附量的判讀 41
3.1.1 D/Ge(100) STM 影像 41
3.1 .2 532 nm Laser 加熱D/Ge(100) 誘發表面熱脫附 43
3.2 532 nm 雷射熱脫附 D/Ge(100) 表面的過程 51
3.2.1 532 nm雷射加熱 D/Ge(100) 造成表變化 51
3.3 532 nm雷射加熱樣品時表面溫度的測量及校正 61
3.3.1熱像儀溫度讀值的校正(I) : 固定功率固定加熱時間 62
3.3.2熱像儀溫度讀值的校正(II) :固定功率改變加熱時間 71
3.3.3 D/Ge(100)-(2×1)孤,對懸鍵在微量熱脫附數時的統計與討論 76
第四章 結論 82
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