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作者(外文):Li, Shu Ling
論文名稱(外文):Development of Thermal Plate-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition for Growth of High-quality Graphene
指導教授(外文):Chen, Jeng Chung
外文關鍵詞:graphenejoule heatingRaman spectroscopytwo-dimensional materials
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在此篇論文中,我們在實驗室內建立了另一套新的化學氣相沉積系統(加熱片輔助式化學氣相沉積, TPACVD),此系統結合了化學氣相沉積技術與加熱片輔助之電極加熱裝置,透過兩種獨立的加熱機制,目的是以此系統成長高品質的石墨烯(Graphene),再經由拉曼光譜來初步鑑定石墨烯的品質。石墨烯一般常被應用於訊號放大器與電子開關,由於石墨烯是以單一種元素所構成的碳薄膜材料,厚度達到奈米尺度,除了化學性質穩定之外,還具有獨特的六角晶格結構使其擁有特殊的能帶結構,造就了石墨烯卓越優異的傳輸特性,因此使石墨烯成為一種極具潛力的二維材料。

In this work, we develop a new chemical vapor deposition system called the thermal plate-assisted chemical vapor deposition (TPACVD) in our laboratory. This system combine the chemical vapor deposition technique with the thermal plate-assisted installation. Through these two independent heating mechanism, our goal is to grow high-quality graphene with this system. After the TPACVD process is done, we indentify the quality of graphene by means of inspecting the Raman spectroscopy. Graphene is now widely used in signal amplification and electron switches, and it is formed with a carbon thin film which consists of only one element. As a result, the thickness of this film is in nano scale. The chemical property of graphene is very stable, and the unique crystal lattice make it have special electric band structure. This special property of graphene contributes to its excellent transfer characteristic, and make graphene the most promising two-dimensional material.

We design the electrode installation of TPACVD system by estimating the conditions of heat transfer, and choose suitable heating plate for this system. We grow the graphene film by controlling these two heating mechanism, and identify the quality of graphene by means of analyzing the Raman spectroscopy. We systemtically change the setup parameter to achieve the best growth condition for our TPACVD system. During the whole graphene growth process, we do the copper sheet pre-treatment to effectively remove the metallic oxide on the graphene. This way can improve our sample quality. In addition, we consider that it is possible for us to use this TPACVD system to grow other two-dimensional material, such as MoS2、WS2、WSe2……etc, by remodeling it. It makes TPACVD system potentially important for graphene growth in the future.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第零章 緒論 1
第一章 石墨烯導論 3
1-1 石墨烯的介紹 3
1-1-1 石墨烯的晶格結構 3
1-1-2 石墨烯的能帶結構 4
1-1-3 石墨烯的電性與光學特性 7
1-2 石墨烯的製備方法 10
1-3 石墨烯的檢測方法 16
1-3-1光學顯微鏡 16
1-3-2掃描式電子顯微鏡 17
1-3-3拉曼光譜儀 19
第二章 化學氣相沉積法製備石墨烯 25
2-1 CVD系統的原理 25
2-2 CVD製備石墨烯的成長機制 26
2-3 CVD催化金屬基板的選擇 29
2-4 研究動機 32
第三章 TPACVD的設計概念 34
3-1 TPACVD的電阻加熱電極設計 34
3-1-1 TPACVD的電極設計概念 34
3-1-2 TPACVD電極的熱傳遞效應之探討 36
3-2 TPACVD系統的設備配置 42
3-2-1 TPACVD系統的完成設計 42
3-2-2 TPACVD系統的溫度校正 44
3-3 TPACVD加熱載臺的選擇 48
第四章 TPACVD成長石墨烯 54
4-1 TPACVD石墨烯的成長參數 54
4-1-1 調變CVD石墨烯的成長參數 54
4-1-2 TPACVD石墨烯的成長參數之決定 58
4-2 TPACVD石墨烯的製備 59
4-2-1 TPACVD石墨烯製備過程 59
4-2-2 石墨烯的轉移過程 64
4-2-3 改善轉移後石墨烯氧化物的殘留:銅基板的Wet Chemical Pre-treatment 65
4-3 TPACVD成長石墨烯的實驗結果 68
4-3-1 TPACVD成長石墨烯之焦耳加熱電流參數 68
4-3-2 TPACVD石墨烯的成長結果與系統實際溫度探討 71
第五章 總結與未來展望 76
參考文獻 79
附錄A — 銅的熱導係數data base 83
附錄B — TPACVD放置樣品SOP 84
附錄C — TPACVD成長石墨烯SOP 88
附錄D — TPACVD系統設計之模擬草圖 93
附錄E — TPACVD系統設計之細部類項 94
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