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作者(外文):Fu, Hung Che
論文名稱(外文):Mechanism of Microwave Mediated Silicon Wafer Bonding
指導教授(外文):Chang, Tsun Hsu
外文關鍵詞:microwavewafer bonding
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:404
  • 評分評分:*****
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The purpose of this study is trying to systematically analyze the difference between microwave and conventional annealing by measuring the bonding strength of samples prepared in each way. Silicon wafers are treated by microwave and conventional annealing at the same time and temperature right after surface processing. Single mode applicator is used here for precisely control the electric field profile and intensity. After that both group of wafers will be measured their bonding strength by tensile test along with other supportive analysis.
As a result, the performance of silicon bonding by conventional furnace was highly dependent on both temperature and the surface cleanness. On the other hand, the microwave group has consistent bonding result strongly depending just on temperature, and surface condition has nearly no influence in this case. For bonding strength measurement, both groups showed that once it was bonded successfully, the strength could be very strong. But microwave group can attain the high bonding strength at lower temperature. Apart from that, the microwave group has unique branch-like patterns on the bonding interface, which might indicates movement of diffusing charge particle. It might be related to the difference in bonding strength between the groups.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Motivation 1
Chapter 2 Literature review 4
2-1 Development and Applications of Microwave process 4
2-2 Resonant Mode in the Cavity 7
2-3 Progress of Silicon Wafer Direct Bonding 9
Chapter 3 Experimental Designs 15
3-1 Experimental Procedures 15
3-1-1 Experiment Overview 15
3-1-2 Pre-annealing Settings 16
3-1-3 Annealing Procedures 18
3-1-4 Tensile Test 20
3-2 Experiment instruments 22
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 31
4-1 Scanning Acoustic Tomography 31
4-2 TEM/EDS 33
4-3 X-Ray Diffraction 36
4-4 Bonding Strength Measurement 38
4-4-1 Successful Rate 38
4-4-2 Tensile Test Results 42
4-5 Branch-like Pattern 45
Chapter 5 Summary 47
Reference 49
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