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作者(外文):Lai, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Building MELCOR Input Deck of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Station and Analyses of Station Blackout Sequence
指導教授(外文):Lee, Min
外文關鍵詞:Source TermsSevere Accident Analysis
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:273
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究利用根據核研所提供之核二廠MAAP5輸入檔及計算書,修正核研所提供之MELCOR輸入檔,模擬核二廠電廠全黑及提早洩壓案例,並與MAAP5模擬結果做比較。比較重點包含了重要事件發生時間、熱水流參數、Debris移動、 In-vessel、Ex-vessel放射性核種釋出及環境外釋量、氫氣產生量,並比較高壓SBO及提早洩壓案例之間壓力槽底部失校模式的差異。MELCOR修改重點部分包括控制體積 (Control Volume, CV)、流徑 (Flow Path, FL)、熱結構體 (Heat Structure, HS)、控制函數 (Control Function, CF)、放射性核種 (Radionuclide, RN) 等參數。
兩程式對於Debris的模擬及判定上有不小的差異,MELCOR會區分Debris及完好的爐心材料,MAAP5則無此區分;造成結果顯示的Debris質量不同。由於兩程式對Candling現象的模擬機制不同,MELCOR有大量金屬與水的反應發生。氫氣在RPV內產生的量,為921 kg;而MAAP5因燃料被Debris覆蓋,無法產生反應,只生成76 kg;外部產生的量則是MELCOR 1,382 kg,MAAP5 2,016 kg,因為MAAP5有許多在RPV內未反應的金屬,進入爐穴後與混凝土分解氣體所產生的水反應,以及熔融爐心與混凝土反應較劇烈,故產生氫氣量較多。
高壓案例壓力槽失效時為底部承受不了高溫高壓而造成應變;提早洩壓案例的壓力槽底部破裂現象源自Debris存在於Instrumentation tube內緩慢侵蝕壓力槽底部,當壓力槽底部被侵蝕殆盡後,大量的Debris才會進入爐穴。
In this study, the MELCOR input deck of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant is developed based the the plant data as specified in the MAAP5 input deck and calculation sheets of the plant, which are provided by Institute of Nuclear Energy Research. The plant is deployed with two Boiling Water Reactors (BWR VI) designed by General Electric and enclosed in Mark III containment. A high pressure station blackout (SBO) sequence of the plant is simulated using MELCOR and MAAP5. The results of the simulations are compared to assess the differences of these two codes. The comparisions are concentrated on the timing of major events, thermal hydraulic response of reactor coolant system and containment, debris relocations from one region to another, hydrogen production, in-vessel and ex- vessel release and environmental releases of radionuclides.
The differences of the simulation results are very significant due to the differences in the severe accident phenomenological models adopted by these two codes. The amount of hydrogen generation within the reactor pressure vessel as predicted by MELCOR is 921 kg and that as predicted by MAAP5 code is 76 kg. Nevertheless, the amount of hydrogen production during molten core concrete interaction as predicted by MELCOR and MAAP5 code is 1,382 kg and 2,016 kg, respectively. The extent of in-vessel and ex-vessel releases of radionuclides as predicted by these two codes is also very different. In environment release, there are several fission products that MELCOR is bigger than MAAP5, including Cs, I, Te, Ru, Mo, Nb, U, Sn; And other fission products such as Xe, Ba, Zr, La, Ce, Cd, MAAP5 is larger than MELCOR.
In the study, sensitivity study is performed to assess the impact of depressurization on the failure mode of reactor vessel bottom head. In a high pressure SBO sequence, the vessel failure is caused by the stress and strain produced in a high pressure environment. In a low pressure SBO sequence, the failure of vessel is caused by the melting of instrumentation tubes.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 14
1.1 研究動機 14
1.2 研究方法 14
1.3 論文架構 14
第二章 核二廠簡介 15
2.1 概論 15
2.2 核能蒸汽系統 15
2.2.1 反應器系統 16
反應器壓力槽 16
反應爐冷卻水流路 16
反應爐水位 16
2.2.2 反應爐再循環水系統 17
2.2.3 餘熱移除系統 17
2.3 功率轉換系統 18
2.3.1 主蒸汽系統 18
2.3.2 凝結水與飼水系統 18
2.3.3 主蒸汽設備 19
2.3.4 循環水系統 19
2.4 安全及緊急系統 19
2.4.1 反應爐保護系統(RPS) 19
2.4.2 控制棒驅動系統(CRD) 20
2.4.3 備用硼液控制系統(SBLCS) 20
2.4.4 緊急爐心冷卻系統(ECCS) 20
2.4.5 爐心隔離冷卻系統(RCIC) 21
第三章 MAAP 5程式簡介 22
3.1 MAAP 5.0.0 code 程式介紹 22
3.2 MAAP 5程式輸入和輸出檔介紹. 23
第四章 MELCOR 程式簡介 25
4.1 MELCOR程式介紹 25
4.2 MELCOR輸入和輸出檔介紹 25
4.3 MELCOR Package介紹 26
第五章 MELCOR程式輸入檔設定與修改 27
5.1 MELCOR程式輸入數據檔修改介紹 27
5.2 MELCOR輸入檔修改 29
5.2.1 控制體積 (Control Volume, CV) 29
5.2.2 流徑 (Flow Path, FL) 36
5.2.3 熱結構體 (Heat Structure, HS) 41
5.2.4 控制函數 (Control Function, CF) 46
5.2.5 放射性核種 (Radionuclide, RN) 46
5.2.6 爐心 (Core, COR) 48
5.2.7 壓力槽底部 (Bottom Head, BH) 49
5.2.8 Cavity (CAV) 49
5.2.9 表列函數 (Tabular Function, TF) 49
5.2.10 時間間距 (dTmx) 49
第六章 MELCOR核二廠模擬結果與比較 51
6.1 MELCOR輸入檔初始狀況 51
6.2 高壓SBO模擬結果比較 54
6.2.1 高壓SBO案例說明 54
6.2.2 熱水流參數模擬結果比較 57
6.2.3 Debris參數模擬結果比較 61
6.2.4 氫氣產生量比較 68
6.2.5 輻射源項外釋比較 71
6.3 分裂產物環境外釋量模擬結果比較 91
6.3.1 圍阻體失效案例說明 91
6.3.2 輻射外釋量模擬結果比較 93
6.4 低壓SBO模擬結果比較 103
6.4.1 低壓SBO案例說明 103
6.4.2 熱水流參數模擬結果比較 105
6.4.3 Debris參數模擬結果比較 108
6.4.4 氫氣外釋量比較 113
第七章 結果與討論 115
7.1 結論 115
7.2 未來工作 116
參考文獻 117
附錄A時間間距修改 118
1. “MELCOR/MELCGEN User’s Guide and Reference Manual Version 1.8.5,” Sandia National Laboratories (2000).
2. “Final Safety Analysis Report of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Station,” Taiwan Power Company (1978)
3. 核二廠MAAP5程式輸入資料檔建立報告,核研所提供
4. 核二廠反應爐體積比較,核研所提供
5. 爐心熔損事故特性說明,李敏
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