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作者(外文):Liu, Yi-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Analysis for Internal Dose Assessment and External Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Rong-Jiun
口試委員(外文):Shiang-Huei Jiang
Hong-Ming Liu
外文關鍵詞:Nuclear medicineDose assessmentAnthropomorphic phantomMonte Carlo methodRadiopharmaceuticalInternal doseExternal dose
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  • 點閱點閱:1230
  • 評分評分:*****
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  This study investigated both internal and external dose estimation in nuclear medicine. Three widely used radioactive nuclides 99mTc, 18F, and 131I were considered. For internal dose assessment, the MIRD schema provides a general approach for the dosimetry of incorporated radionuclides. Two crucial factors for dose estimation, the specific absorbed fraction and S-value, were calculated by Monte Carlo simulations with anthropomorphic phantoms and the results were found to be generally consistent with literature values. The OLINDA/EXM computer software was also used to estimate the resulting effective doses for patients administered three interested radiopharmaceuticals. For external radiation protection, various source models, ranging from simplified point, line, and cylinder sources to high-fidelity anthropomorphic phantoms were applied to calculate dose rates near a nuclear medicine patient. This systematical comparison led to the following observations and conclusions. The Monte Carlo calculated results based on detailed phantom models are realistic but time-consuming. The point source model is simple but too conservative while both the line and cylinder source models gave reasonable predictions. The line source model was found to be comparable to the cylinder source model due to the cancellation of radiation attenuation and buildup in the source volume. The effects of various source energies and cylinder sizes on the cancellation were investigated. The line source model, relatively easy in calculation and predicting dose rates slightly conservative than the phantom results by approximately 7-18% for the three radionuclides, is therefore considered the most practical method of dose calculation for patient release criteria. An application of the line source model to 51 post-thyroidectomy patients in Taiwan was demonstrated and its comparison with measurements was discussed. The agreement between calculations and measurements is reasonable after taking the room-scattering effect into account.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 核醫劑量理論 4
2.1 診療原理及特色 4
2.2 核醫藥物 6
2.3 體內劑量 9
2.4 體外曝露 13
第三章 研究材料與方法 16
3.1 擬人數值假體與放射性藥品特性 16
3.1.1 擬人數值假體 16
3.1.2 放射性藥品特性 22
3.2 體內劑量計算方法與工具 28
3.2.1 MCNPX 29
3.2.2 OLINDA/EXM 35
3.3 體外劑量計算方法與工具 37
3.3.1 公式解析法與點、線射源模型 38
3.3.2 MicroShield與圓柱射源模型 41
3.3.3 MCNPX與擬人假體射源模型 44
第四章 體內劑量計算結果 46
4.1 比吸收分率與S值之計算 46
4.1.1 比吸收分率 46
4.1.2 S值 53
4.2 核醫診療患者全身有效劑量評估 57
第五章 體外劑量計算結果 65
5.1 不同模型計算結果比較 65
5.2 擬人數值假體模型差異 68
5.3 圓柱射源模型填充材料影響 69
5.4 線射源模型之有效性 71
5.5 碘-131治療甲狀腺機能亢進患者之劑量率評估 73
第六章 體外劑量評估模型之應用 76
6.1 基隆長庚醫院碘-131甲狀腺癌患者治療 76
6.2 例行量測數據結果分析 79
6.3 線射源患者模型評估與測量結果之比較 85
第七章 結論與建議 92
參考文獻 95
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