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作者(外文):Jhan, Yi-Ruei
論文名稱(外文):Study of Si Nano Electronic Device Performance Enhancement by Quantum Effects
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yung-Chun
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文共分為四個部份,(1) 非對稱閘極之穿隧式場效應電晶體,(2)將微波活化技術應用在穿隧式場效應電晶體,(3)將穿隧式場效應電晶體應用在非揮發性記憶體,(4)矽與鍺的超薄通道(1奈米)與超短通道(1奈米與3奈米)之無接面式場效應電晶體,以及環繞式閘極與單層矽原子通道之無接面式場效應電晶體,其次臨界擺幅可達43 mV/decade。
在第一部份介紹非對稱閘極之穿隧式場效應電晶體,其結構結合了環繞式閘極與平面式閘極,利用源極需要較小的Screening length及汲極需要較大的Screening length之特性,大幅提高穿隧式場效應電晶體的效能。從模擬結果來看,次臨界擺幅以及開關電流比值皆有顯著提升。更重要的是,此非對稱結構相當容易與傳統CMOS元件製程結合,僅需要改變閘極曝光的光罩即可達成,無須額外的複雜製程。
第二部份比較了低溫的微波活化和高溫的快速升溫熱退火應用再穿隧式場效應電晶體。由實驗結果可以得知,低溫的微波活化能得到較小的Screening length。因此,穿隧式場效應電晶體利用微波來活化摻雜物,可以得到較小的次臨界擺幅,較大的開關電流比值,幾乎可以忽略的短通道效應。
此外,我們成功製做出擁有通道僅有0.65奈米厚的多晶矽環繞式閘極之無接面式場效應電晶體。此電晶體的最小次臨界擺幅為43 mV/decade,平均次臨界擺幅為59 mV/decade,比物理極限(60 mV/decade)還要低。由模擬結果顯示,此優異電性可歸功於0.65奈米厚的通道,因為此超薄通道可以產生帶至帶的穿隧效應,藉由此量子效應,可使次臨界擺幅打破物理極限。
With the rapid development of the market for portable products, including notebooks and smart-phones, a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology must be scaled to meet market demand. The scaled transistors should meet (1) high performance, (2) low power and (3) low cost per transistor for integrated circuit (IC). But the conventional metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) suffer a lot of challenges when feature size is being scaled down, such as random dopant fluctuation, thermal budgets and short channel effect (SCE). Therefore, tunnel field-effect transistor and junctionless field-effect transistor have been researching for scaling device.
This thesis is divided into five parts to demonstrate (1) asymmetrical-gate tunnel field-effect transistor, (2) microwave annealing for tunnel field-effect transistor, (3) tunnel field-effect transistor SONOS nonvolatile memory, (4) silicon and germanium ultra-thin body (1 nm) junctionless field-effect transistor with ultra-short gate length (1 nm and 3 nm), (5) gate-all-around junctionless with Si monolayer channel (0.65 nm) and steep subthreshold swing (43 mV/decade).
In the first part, an asymmetrical-gate TFET, which combines the advantages of the GAA TFET and the planar TFET, and has to provide different screening lengths on the source side and drain side. Therefore, both the minimum SS and the ION/IOFF ratio are improved. An asymmetric-gate structure is easily fabricated as an actual device by simply changing the layout of gate in a general CMOS fabrication. Accordingly, the GAA part and the planar part of the gate are fabricated simultaneously without the need for a complicated process.
In the second part, different means of activating dopants in FinTFETs including MWA and high-temperature RTA were compared. Microwave annealing yielded a lower λ than RTA. Therefore, the FinTFET that was annealed by MWA had a higher ON/OFF current ratio, a smaller VBTBT, and a lower SS than that was annealed by RTA. Additionally, FinTFET that was annealed by MWA had an almost negligible DIBL. Accordingly, microwave annealing has potential application in future TFET technology.
In the third part, a fin-shaped T-SONOS NVM with a large memory window and high reliability had been demonstrated. All program mechanisms including FN, CHE and BBHE can be used in single device. As well as improving the performance of T-SONOS NVM in terms of SS and ION/IOFF, a fin-shaped structure moves equipotential line closer to the source side. Such structure also produces a large memory window (4.7 V at VG = 17 V, tP = 1 ms) because the corners of the NWs have stronger electrical fields than the other parts, as has been demonstrated by TCAD simulation. Accordingly, fin-shaped T-SONOS NVM has a higher programming and erasing speed than does planar T-SONOS NVM. Under the FN programming mechanism, the fin-shaped T-SONOS NVM reveals that 65% of the original memory window is retained after ten years because the discrete charge trapping properties of nitride make this memory as reliable as conventional NVM. Moreover, this device also exhibits better endurance, 74%, after 104 P/E cycles of CHE programming and BBHE programming. After ten years of CHE programming, 81% of the original memory window is retained and after the same period of BBHE programming, 65% is retained. Therefore, fin-shaped T-SONOS NVM is suitable for use in portable devices with low standby power consumption.
In the fourth part, Si and Ge UTB-JLFET with LG = 1 nm and LG = 3 nm were demonstrated successfully. The off-state leakage current can be reduced by quantum confinement effect. As UTB is employed, Si and Ge UTB-JLFET with LG = 1 nm have high ION/IOFF current ratio of 105 at VG = 1 V. Moreover, Ge UTB-JLFET with LG = 1 nm and LG = 3 nm have reasonable SNM that can meet the industry requirements. Using FIB or RIE, this UTB structure can be achieved in sub-5 nm CMOS technology nodes. And this device can integrate high-k/metal-gate by ALD and CMP. Finally, circuit performances reveal UTB-JLFET can be used in advanced logic ICs applications.
Finally, a poly-Si GAA trench JLFET with ultra-thin channel (0.65 nm-thick) had been successfully demonstrated. This device has steeper SSmin of 43 mV/decade and SSavg of 59 mV/decade because of full depletion in ultra-thin channel. The simulation results indicated there are BTBT generation at the channel/drain junction region. Finally, the ION/IOFF of this device is higher than 108.
Contents ix
Table Captions xii
Figure Captions xiii
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1-1 Conventional MOSFETs 1
1-2 Challenges of Conventional MOSFETs 3
1-3 Multi-gate structure 4
1-4 Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors 5
A. Basic Mechanisms 6
B. Screening Length 7
1-5 Junctionless Field-Effect Transistors 8
A. Basic Mechanisms 8
B. Short channel behavior of Junctionless Field-Effect Transistors 10
1-6 Motivation 11
A. Asymmetrical-Gate Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor 11
B. Microwave Annealing for Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor 11
C. Pi-gate tunneling field-effect transistor charge trapping nonvolatile memory based on all tunneling transportation 11
D. Performance Evaluation of Silicon and Germanium Ultrathin Body (1 nm) Junctionless Field-Effect Transistor With Ultra short Gate Length 12
E. Gate-All-Around Junctionless Field-Effect Transistor with Si Monolayer channel (0.65 nm) and Steep Subthreshold Swing (43 mV/decade) 13
1-7 Organization 13
Chapter 2 30
Nonvolatile Memory 30
2-1 Basic Mechanism of Nonvolatile Memory 30
2-2 Program Mechanisms include Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling, channel hot-electron (CHE) injection and band-to-band tunneling-induced hot electron (BBHE) 30
A. Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling 30
B. Channel hot-electron (CHE) injection 31
C. Band-to-Band tunneling-induced hot electron (BBHE) 32
2-3 Erase Mechanism (Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling) 34
2-4 Program/Erase Speed 34
2-5 Reliability (Endurance, Retention) 34
A. Endurance 35
B. Retention 36
Chapter 3 44
Asymmetrical-Gate Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor 44
3-1 Device Structure and Simulation Models 44
3-2 Simulation Results and Discussion 47
3-3 Band-to-Band Generation Rate 48
3-4 Output Characteristics 49
3-5 Summary of This Chapter 49
Chapter 4 54
Microwave Annealing for Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor 54
4-1 Device Fabrication 54
4-2 Results and Discussion 55
4-3 Conclusion 58
Chapter 5 62
Pi-gate tunneling field-effect transistor charge trapping nonvolatile memory based on all tunneling transportation 62
5-1 Device Structure and Simulation Models 62
5-2 Results and Discussion 65
A. Program by FN Tunneling 66
B. Programming by Channel Hot-Electron Injection 67
C. Programming by Band-to-Band Tunneling-Induced Hot Electrons 68
D. Comparison of T-SONOS with conventional NVM 69
5-3 Conclusion 70
Chapter 6 79
Junctionless Field-Effect Transistor With Ultra short Gate Length And Ultrathin Body 79
6-1 Silicon and Germanium Junctionless Field-Effect Transistor With Ultra short Gate Length 79
A. Device Structure and Simulation models 79
B. Results and Discussion 80
6-2 Gate-All-Around Junctionless Field-Effect Transistor with Si Monolayer channel (0.65 nm) and Steep Subthreshold Swing (43 mV/decade) 82
A. Device Fabrication 82
B. Results and Discussion 82
6-3 Conclusion 85
Chapter 7 101
Conclusion 101
Chapter 8 104
Future Works 104
Reference 107
簡歷 126
著作目錄(Publication list) 127
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