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作者(外文):Wang An-Ni
論文名稱(中文):應用平均 X光應變法準確量測氮化鈦硬膜之殘留應力與應力梯度
論文名稱(外文):Using Average X-ray Strain Method for the measurements of Accurate Residual Stress and Stress Gradient on TiN Hard Coatings
指導教授(外文):Huang, Jia-Hong
Yu, Ge-Ping
口試委員(外文):Hsueh, Chun-Hway
Lu, Fu-Hsing
Chang, Yin-Yu
Lin, Ming-Tzer
外文關鍵詞:XRDResidual stressResidual stress gradientAverage X-ray StrainTiN coating
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cos2sin2 X光技術量測應變於不同的平面轉角(),藉此改善X光應力與X光彈性常數的量測精確度。此方法的主要概念是通過多個平面轉角()測量X光應變,進而增加有效取樣體積。此外通過調整X光入射角度,應力於不同X光穿透深度可被測得。然而以上述方法所測得X光應力是試片表面至該深度之加總平均,非實際的分層應力,因次本研究採取分層法用以解析分層應力梯度。氮化鈦硬膜於矽(100)基材作為量測模型系統,用以驗證不同的應力測量技術之取樣體積與統計意涵,包含雷射曲率法、sin2、cos2sin2及高能量X光繞射法。當足夠的取樣體積可供量測,X光應力精確度可降至3% 相較於光學曲率所測得的宏觀應力,。藉由比較X光應力與X光彈性係數,使用平均應變法之薄膜厚度限制約在350奈米上下。本研究因應薄膜厚度低於160奈米之應力測量需求,開發了一個新的多繞射平均應變法。利用正確的X光應力量測於不同的穿透深度與分層法解析,我們成功的量測應力梯度分別於三個不同的氮化鈦厚度,從1.5、2.7到3.9微米,所得應力梯度結果可關聯至薄膜微結構與內應力所造成的破裂形貌。
For polycrystalline films, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) is the most common nondestructive technique for measuring residual stress because of its excellent phase selective capability and precise interplanar distance determination. However, the measurement of accurate stress and stress gradient on thin films is challenging and critical mainly due to confined thickness and unique microstructure. In this study, we proposed an average X-ray strain (AXS) method by using cos2sin2 XRD technique at several rotational () angles to improve the accuracy of the measurement of X-ray stress (XRS) or X-ray elastic constants (XECs). The major concept was to increase sampling volume by measuring X-ray strain at multiple rotational angles. In addition, by adjusting the grazing incident angle of X-ray the variation of stress with thickness could be measured. Since the resultant stress was an integrated magnitude from the surface to the penetration depth, a layer-by-layer method was adopted to resolve the real layer stress at different penetration depth. TiN hard coating on Si (100) substrate was selected as the model system, where the residual stress was determined by laser curvature, sin2, cos2sin2 and high energy XRD methods, from which the influence of sampling volume was revealed and the corresponding statistical meanings of each method were discussed. When sufficient sampling volume was obtained, the accuracy of AXS method could be reduced to 3% comparing to macrostress acquired from laser curvature method. The thickness limitation of AXS methods was about 350 nm by comparing the XRS and XECs to other techniques and literature data. For ultra-thin film less than 160 nm, a new multiple (hkl) diffraction AXS method was developed. With the correct XRS’s measured at different penetration depths, the stress gradients on TiN coatings with thickness 1.5, 2.7 and 3.9 μm were successfully acquired and the results were correlated to the film structure and fracture morphology in our previous study.
Abstract I
摘要 II
致謝 III
Content I
Figure Caption V
Table Caption X
Symbols XII
Abbreviations XV
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Residual Stress in Thin Films and Coating 3
2.1.1 Origins of Residual Stress in Thin Film and Coatings 3
2.1.2 Types of Stress in Thin Films and Coatings 8
2.2 Stress Measurement by X-ray Diffraction Methods 10
2.2.1 Basic Concept of X-ray Stress Measurement 10
2.2.2 X-ray Elastic Constants (XECs) and Mechanical Elastic Constant 14
2.2.3 Traditional X-ray Stress Measurement on Thin Films using sin2ψ Method 17
2.2.4 Stress Measurements using Grazing Incident X-ray Diffraction (GIXRD) 24
2.3 Measurement of Stress Gradient for Thin Film Materials Using XRD Methods 30
2.4 Selection of Model System: TiN coating 38
Chapter 3 Theoretical Basis 41
3.1 Average X-ray Strain (AXS) Method 41
3.1.1 Statistical Meaning of X-ray Stress Measurement 41
3.1.2 Effective X-ray Diffraction Volume 44
3.1.3 Determination of Average X-ray Strain (AXS) using cos2αsin2ψ XRD Method 46
3.1.4 Measurement of Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio 51
3.2 Measurement of Stress Gradient using Layer-by-layer Method 55
3.3 Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Hard Coatings using Internal Energy Induced Cracking (IEIC) Method 57
Chapter 4 Experimental Procedures 59
4.1 Deposition Details of TiN/Si Coating 59
4.2 Structure and Composition 62
4.2.1 X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Grazing incident X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) 62
4.2.2 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 63
4.2.3 Field-Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (FEG-SEM) 64
4.3 Properties 65
4.3.1 Hardness and Young’s modulus 65
4.3.2 Macrostress by laser curvature method (LCM) 66
4.4 X-ray Stress and Stress Gradient 69
4.4.1 AXS from cos2αsin2ψ XRD method 69
4.4.2 AXS using Multiple (hkl) diffractions 71
4.4.3 XRS and XECs Measurements by Conventional sin2ψ XRD Method 73
4.4.4 AXS from High Energy Synchrotron XRD 77
4.4.5 Measurements of Young’s Modulus (E) and Poisson’s () Ratio 79
4.4.6 Stress Gradient and Internal Energy Distribution 81
Chapter 5 Results 83
5.1 Composition and Structure 83
5.2 Mechanical Properties 88
5.3 Strain Anisotropy 91
5.3.1 X-ray Strain Distribution using cos2sin2 XRD method 91
5.3.2 X-ray Strain Distribution using High Energy Synchrotron X-ray (HEXRD) 95
5.3.3 XRS from Traditional sin2 XRD and AXS methods 99
5.4 Thickness limitation of AXS Method 100
5.4.1 AXS vs. Thickness 100
5.4.2 XRS vs. Thickness 103
5.4.3 AXS using Multiple (hkl) Diffractions 105
5.5 Determination Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio 110
5.5.1 Average Effective X-ray Elastic Constants (AEXEC) vs. XECs 110
5.5.2 Poisson’s Ratio Measurement using AXS and Nanoindentation Methods 113
5.5.3 AEXEC of Thin TiN Films 115
5.6 Stress Gradient 116
5.6.1 Influence of Strain Anisotropy 116
5.6.2 Using AXS method to determine in-depth stress gradient 118
5.6.3 Internal Energy Induced cracking (IEIC) 120
Chapter 6 Discussion 125
6.1 Accurate stress Measurement using Effective Diffraction Volume 125
6.2 Thickness Limitation of AXS Method 128
6.3 Stress Gradient 135
Chapter 7 Conclusion 145
Appendix A 147
A.1 Internal energy induced Cracking method 147
A.1.1 Fracture Toughness of TiN Coating (Г) 147
A.1.2 Energy Release Rate (G) 148
A.1.3 Griffith Theory and Critical Film Thickness (hc) 151
Appendix B 155
B.1 X-ray Stress Fitting of samples A to F 155
B.2 X-ray Stress Fitting for Stress gradient on Sample E, M and L 160
B.3 High Energy XRD for sample M and L 164
Reference 168
Publication List 179

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