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論文名稱(外文):Characteristics of SiGe Buried Channel on Nanowire Poly-Si Flash Memory Device
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Recently, the flash memory devices with some advantages like low power waste, higher device density, and portable device are more needed. However, as the devices become smaller, there is limited space for planar devices to microminiaturize which makes the the process flow becomes more difficult. How to improve the device characteristic and make the process easier at the same time becomes one of the most important issuestoday. Some solutions have been reported like the implement of SiGe, nanowire channel structure, and junctionless mode flash memory devices etc. In this thesis, we implemented the SiGe buried channel on the Poly-Si nanowire channel flash memory devices, and find out the devices electronic characteristic.
In the first experiment, we try to apply the SiGe buried channel on the inversion-mode flash memory device. We grew SiGe and Si capping layer onthe nanowire channel of the inversion-mode flash memory devices. We compared the epitaxial device with the non-grownl one. We found that the device with SiGe showed higher P/E speed, better endurance and similar retention compared to the non-epitaxial one.
In the second experiment, we implemented the SiGe buried channel structure on the junctionless nanowire flash memory devices. We want to know if the SiGe buried channel can also improve the performance on the junctionless devices. The result show that the junctionless devices still performed well on the programming speed and reliability characteristic. Besides, erasing speed became higher after the epitaxy too.
In the third experiment, we want to confirm that if different channel concentration will have any influence on junctionless SiGe buried channel flash memory devices. We found that the heavily doped junctionless devices show better P/E performance and reliability performance which means that the channel concentration is still a important parameter in the SiGe buried channel flash memory devices.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章序論 1
1.1 快閃記憶體元件 1
1.1.1 浮動閘極式快閃記憶體元件 1
1.1.2 電荷捕陷式快閃記憶體元件 2
1.2 多晶矽薄膜電晶體 4
1.3多向式閘極結構與奈米線通道式快閃記憶體元件 4
1.4高介電係數材料之介紹 6
1.5 無接面快閃記憶體元件介紹 7
1.6 矽化鍺掩埋式通道的應用 8
1.7各章摘要 9
第二章快閃記憶體元件製程與操作方法 17
2.1 奈米線通道式快閃記憶體元件製程 17
2.1.1 傳統反轉層元件 17
2.1.2 無接面元件 18
2.2 快閃記憶體元件寫入與抹除方法 19
2.2.1 CHEI通道熱電子注入寫入 19
2.2.2 F-N穿隧寫入 20
2.2.3 F-N穿隧抹除 21
2.3 快閃記憶體元件可靠度特性 21
2.3.1 電荷保持力 21
2.3.2 耐久力 22
第三章矽化鍺成長應用在奈米線通道之快閃記憶體元件特性研究 35
3.1 研究動機與背景 36
3.2 實驗 36
3.3 結果與討論 38
3.3.1 元件汲極電流對閘極電壓作圖 38
3.3.2 元件寫入與抹除特性 38
3.3.3 元件可靠度特性 40
3.4 結論 41
第四章矽化鍺成長應用在奈米線通道之無接面快閃記憶體元件特性研究 51
4.1 研究動機與背景 52
4.2 實驗 52
4.3 結果與討論 54
4.3.1 元件汲極電流對閘極電壓作圖 54
4.3.2 元件寫入與抹除特性 55
4.3.3 元件可靠度特性 56
4.4 結論 58
第五章濃度效應對矽化鍺成長應用在奈米線通道之無接面快閃記憶體元件特性研究 68
5.1 研究動機與背景 69
5.2 實驗 69
5.3 結果與討論 71
5.3.1 元件汲極電流對閘極電壓作圖 71
5.3.2 元件寫入與抹除特性 71
5.3.3 元件可靠度特性 73
5.4 結論 74
第六章結論 85
參考文獻 87
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