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論文名稱(外文):Investigations on the flow field and acoustic characteristics using CFD model for small-scale wind turbines
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風力發電是屬潔淨之再生能源,然而在運轉時所產生之低頻(20-200 HZ)噪音,對於其附近居住人民的困擾卻成為發展的主要難題。而風機葉片之流場分析對於因風機產生的風切噪音有相當大的助益,故本研究即藉由不同紊流模式對風機葉片進行V&V的流場分析及聲場驗證。
本研究利用計算流體力學的方法對NERL Phase VI之葉片為模型做分析,並使用兩種不同的風速(7m/s與15m/s)作為邊界條件。本研究是以四種RANS-based 紊流模式:Standard k-ε、Realizable k-ε、SST k-ω、v2f進行預測分析,並將本研究之計算結果與LES所得之結果進行比對分析,經不同的風場條件(7m/s、15m/s),以RANS-based 紊流模式及FW-H做聲場流場的耦合分析。
Wind power is one of the tremendous potential on renewable energies. The problem due to low frequency (20-200 HZ) generated by operation is, however, quite difficult to spread expensively. In this study, the benchmarks for the simulations of flow and acoustic fields were performed on NREL Phase VI. The coupling analysis was integrated with RANS-based turbulence models and FW-H acoustic model under different boundary conditions of wind profiles, 7 m/s and 15 m/s.
The results presented that the simulations of flow and acoustic fields have good agreements with experimental data. Based on the process of the simulation on NREL Phase VI(S809) and small scale vertical axis wind turbine(NACA0021), the INER 25 kW turbine system was employed for the prediction of the noise distribution focusing on low frequency.
The simulation results showed that the peak amplitude in decibels is inversely proportional to the distance increasing, whereas the peak one is proportional to the wind speed. The efforts and experiences of this study will be able to assist the master plan in improving the design of wind turbine system on noise problem.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究緣起與目的 1
1.2風力發電機簡介 2
1.3論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第三章 基本理論 8
3.1統御方程式(Governing Equation) 8
3.2雷諾平均法(Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes,Rans) 9
3.3紊流模式(Turbulence model) 9
3.4氣動聲學理論(Aeroacoustics) 12
3.4.1 Lighthill聲學類比理論(Lighthill Acoustic Analogy) 12
3.4.2 FfowcsWilliams-Hakings方程式(FW-H方程式) 12
3.4.3 聲壓函數 15
3.4.4 音壓位準 16
第四章 數值模擬方法及模型建立 17
4.1數值計算流程說明 17
4.1.1 壓力修正方程: 17
4.2水平小風機流場及聲場驗證之模型設定 18
4.3 25KW小風機之模型設置 26
4.3垂直軸小風機(Naca0021)流場驗證之模型設定 30
第五章:國外研究之氣動力係數CFD驗證分析 35
5.1 國外研究之水平軸流場驗證分析 35
5.2國外研究之聲場驗證分析 58
5.3國外研究之垂直軸流場驗證分析 59
第六章: 25Kw水平軸小風機之聲噪模擬分析 62
6.1 25kw水平小風機聲噪預測結果 62
第七章 結論與未來展望 72
7.1結論 72
7.2未來建議 72
參考文獻 74
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