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作者(外文):Lu, Hsin I
論文名稱(外文):Ambiguity and Inference Processing in Joke Comprehension: An Eye-movement Study
指導教授(外文):Chan, Yu-Chen
外文關鍵詞:joke skillsjoke categoriessemantically ambiguous jokesbridging inferential jokeselaborative inferential jokeseye movements
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  • 點閱點閱:632
  • 評分評分:*****
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Humor is a high level cognitive ability. In jokes, it is the humor skill and not the content which generates amusement. The present study aimed to compare the cognitive and affective processes associated with the distinct humor skills brought into play by ambiguous jokes and inferential jokes, using an eye-tracking study. Sixty-eight participants took part in two experiments with within-subjects designs. Experiment 1 investigated different categories of ambiguous jokes, using stimulus category (phonological, semantic, and syntactic) and ‘funny-or-not’ (jokes and non-jokes) as independent variables and both objective eye-movement indices (first past gaze duration, total viewing time, average fixation counts, regression counts, and average pupil size) and subjective indices (comprehensibility and funniness) as dependent variables. Results supported the hypothesis that first past gaze durations for setup lines would not differ significantly between jokes and non-jokes. Additionally, total viewing time and regression counts were less while reading phonologically ambiguous jokes than for syntactic ones. Experiment 2 compared the effects of semantically inferential and semantically ambiguous jokes. The experimental design was the same as in experiment 1 except that the stimulus category were bridging inferential jokes, elaborative inferential jokes and semantically ambiguous jokes. Results showed that total viewing time was longer, regression counts were more, and average pupil size was bigger for inferential jokes (bridging inferential jokes and elaborative inferential jokes) than for ambiguous jokes. It was concluded that the cognitive processing of inferential joke takes more time and is more complicated than that of semantically ambiguous jokes, and it consequently results in deeper involvement and amusement. Berlyne (1972) proposed an inverted-U shaped theory in which the greatest pleasure is associated with a moderate amount of arousal (not to high and not too low), whereas the present study revealed that the greatest pleasure accompanies this optimal level but that joke skills also play an important role. Future research might use fMRI techniques to further investigate the neural correlates of cognition, affective, and laughter processing between inferential and ambiguous jokes, as well as to design the training courses of joke skills.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
致謝辭 v
目錄 vii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
研究動機與目的 1
文獻探討 5
幽默和語文笑話 5
歧義與推論笑話技巧 6
幽默認知理論與生理激發理論 10
幽默之眼動研究 15
前導研究 21
一、參與者 21
二、實驗設計 21
三、實驗材料 21
四、實驗程序 22
五、實驗設備 22
六、實驗結果 22
實驗一:不同歧義笑話之認知與情感歷程 27
研究目的 27
研究假設 27
研究方法 28
參與者 28
實驗設計 28
實驗材料 28
實驗程序 29
實驗設備 30
資料分析 30
結果與討論 32
描述統計 32
眼動資料分析結果 34
討論 43
眼動軌跡圖與凝視點熱圖 44
實驗二:語意歧義笑話與推論笑話之比較 47
研究目的 47
研究假設 47
研究方法 48
參與者 48
實驗設計 48
實驗材料 48
實驗程序 49
實驗設備 49
資料分析 49
實驗結果 50
描述統計 50
眼動資料分析結果 52
討論 60
眼動軌跡圖與凝視點熱圖 62
綜合討論與建議 65
笑話認知歷程之比較 65
笑話欣賞之比較 67
研究限制 69
研究貢獻 69
未來研究建議 71
參考文獻 73
附錄 81
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