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論文名稱(外文):Linear response theory to predict protein conformational changes upon ligand binding
指導教授(外文):Yang, Lee-Wei
口試委員(外文):Lyu, Ping-Chiang
Sue, Shih-Che
外文關鍵詞:protein conformational changesLinear Response TheoryMolecular Dynamics SimulationsENM
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:139
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:15
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Conformational changes occurring in proteins are closely related to their biological functions. Ligands, when located near the active sites of enzymes, induce conformational changes that stabilize the ligand-enzyme complex and then catalyze appropriate chemical reactions. In this study, we use linear response theory to predict the direction of conformational changes that occur upon ligand binding. In contrast with the previous studies, forces upon ligand binding are obtained from all-atom force field with parameters of CHARMM22. In addition, we use covariance matrix obtained from ANM on unbound structure (ligand-free), thus developing a fast (compared to the use of molecular dynamics simulations) and accurate method to predict conformational changes upon ligand binding. Our dataset consists of proteins that undergo coupled and independent domain motions upon ligand binding. We find that LRT cannot be used to predict conformational changes of the latter. In the case of proteins that undergo coupled domain motion, we are able to predict the conformational changes upon ligand binding without any information from the bound structure. In addition, following results are observed for proteins with coupled domain motion. The conformational changes predicted with linear response theory using either MD derived forces or simple attractive forces are not significantly different from each other. Also, we see that the average correlation coefficient in the case of LRT predicted conformational changes is higher than that from ANM first mode. If MD forces are used in LRT, energy minimization has no significant effect on the correlation coefficient. When simple perturbation forces are used in LRT, the average correlation coefficient is higher when the initial ligand/free-protein complex is energy-minimized. Hence, we speculate that LRT results are sensitive to the position of ligand, especially when simple perturbation forces are used.
Abstract I
摘要: III
致謝: IV
常用縮寫: V
圖片目錄 IX
表格目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 配體所造成的構型變化 1
1.2 預測構型變化的功用 3
1.3 他山之石 4
第二章 理論與方法 6
2.1 線性響應理論 6
2.2 線性響應理論在此篇研究的應用 9
2.3 疊加 10
2.4 序列比對 13
2.5 能量最小化 14
2.6 用分子動力學模擬取出作用力 15
2.7 用各向異性彈性網絡模型求出共變異矩陣 17
2.9 MATCH 21
2.10 DynDom 22
2.11 蛋白質資料來源 23
2.12 詳細方法 25
第三章 結果與討論 31
3.1 配體擾動的作用力對LRT的影響 31
3.2 統整配體擾動力做LRT預測的結果 42
3.3 共變異矩陣對LRT預測的影響 49
3.4 能量最小化對LRT的影響 50
3.5 預測結果可視圖 56
第四章 結論 61
附錄A 62
參考文獻 68
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