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作者(外文):Chang, Che-Yuan
論文名稱(中文):I. 環形序列重組對雞之介白素-1乙型結構與功能的影響 II. 雞之介白素-1受體拮抗蛋白其結構與功能的分析
論文名稱(外文):Structural and functional effects of circular permutation on chicken Interleukin-1 beta
中文關鍵詞:circular permutationinterleukin 1 receptor antagonist
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Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) acts a precursor in the regulation of inflammatory and immune responses. Here, we describe the character and bioactivity on a circular permutation of chicken interleukin-1 beta, CP36. Circular permutation is a bioengineering method that changes the protein’s amino acid sequence but allows the protein to retain its original bioactivity, usually due to the conserved tertiary structure. In this study, circular dichroism showed that spectrum of CP36 has no difference when the protein is heated to 55℃, but the spectrum signal of wild-type chicken IL-1β decreased when the protein is heated to 55℃. These results indicated CP36 is more stable than WT chicken IL-1β. As observed in thermal resistance, result of CD spectrum showed the greater tolerance of CP36 in chemical resistance. On the functional assay of plasma cortisol level, according to the thermal stability, CP36 is more stable than WT when protein heats to 50℃. We injected heat-treatment protein, cortisol level showing CP36 retains about 84% bioactivity even heats to 65℃, while WT chicken IL-1β decreased when the temperature heats to 45-50℃, demonstrated CP36 is more stable than WT chicken IL-1β.

Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is a naturally inhibitor of interleukin-1 (IL-1) to compete interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R). According to the effetely IL-1Ra competing with IL-1 to reduce the immune response, the treatment of IL-1Ra has been used on anti-inflammatory therapy on human. Here, we confirm the in vivo bioactivity and determine the characters on secondary and tertiary structure of IL-1Ra. In this study, the result of circular dichroism far-UV spectrum indicated chicken IL-1Ra is a β-trefoil protein. Crystal structure indicated chicken IL-1Ra contains 4 α-helixes and 12 β-strands. These results show that chicken IL-1Ra and human IL-1Ra are identical in structure, speculating chicken IL-1Ra has the ability to compete with IL-1. Protein was injected into wing vein to investigate whether IL-1Ra compete with IL-1. Results showed the plasma cortisol in the level on the group injected IL-1Ra with IL-1β decreased than that only IL-1β injected lasted two hours, confirming that chicken IL-1Ra has the ability to compete with IL-1β. The production of cortisol produced by adrenal gland decreased enough to inhibit the immune response stimulated by IL-1β. We also found the receptor binding residues in human IL-1Ra conserved in chicken IL-1Ra, there is only one different of five, suggesting the binding residues is conserved even in other species.
Abstract I
Part I: Structural and functional effects of circular permutation on chicken Interleukin-1 beta. I
Part II: Structural and functional assays of chicken Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist. II
中文摘要 III
Part I: 1
Structural and functional effects of circular permutation on chicken Interleukin-1 beta. 1
Introduction 2
1. Circular permutation 2
2. Interleukin-1 beta 2
3. Aim of the study 3
Materials and methods 5
1. Materials 5
2. Methods 6
a Circular permutation 6
b Protein construct 7
c Protein expression 7
d Protein purification 8
e Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) 8
f Bradford protein-binding assay 9
g Circular dichroism 9
h Plasma cortisol levels 10
i Fluorescence spectroscopy 10
Results 11
1. Circular permutation of chicken IL-1β 11
2. Circular dichroism (CD) 11
a Secondary structure 12
b Thermal stability 12
c Chemical denaturation 12
3. Functional assay 13
4. Fluorescence 13
a Intrinsic fluorescence 14
b ANS-binding assay 14
Conclusion and Discussion 15
Figures 16
Part II: 29
Structural and functional assays of chicken Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist 29
Introduction 30
1. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist 30
2. Interleukin-1 beta 30
3. Aim of the study 31
Materials and methods 32
1. Materials 32
2. Methods 33
a Protein construct 33
b Protein expression 33
c Protein purification 34
d Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) 34
e Bradford protein-binding assay 35
f Circular dichroism 35
g Functional assay 35
h Chicken interleukin-1 receptor antagonist crystallization 36
i X-ray diffraction data collection 36
j Structure determination of chicken IL-1Ra 37
Results 38
1. Protein purification 38
2. Functional assay 38
3. Binding interface between IL-1Ra and IL-1R 39
4. Circular dichroism (CD) 39
5. Crystal structure of IL-1Ra 40
Conclusion and Discussion 42
Figures 43
Table 60
Reference 64
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