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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Secreted Frizzled-related Protein 1 and 3 on the Wnt Signaling in Modulating Stemness and Tumor-initiating Abilities of Cancer Cells
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根據我們的研究結果發現,sFRP蛋白主要是依靠位在N端的cysteine-rich domain (CRD) 與Wnt3a做結合,而C端netrin-related (NTR) domain則是能與β-catenin做結合。在Luciferase reporter assay所得到的實驗結果證實,大量表現sFRP1全長蛋白能將TopFlash的活性顯著地抑制到幾乎和基準值一樣低,而sFRP1 N端和sFRP1 C端的剪切型蛋白也能抑制TopFlash的活性。在sFRP3全長蛋白持續表現的細胞株中,其TCF/β-catenin轉錄活性是被增強的,然而sFRP3 N端和sFRP3 C端的剪切型蛋白卻是高度抑制TopFlash的活性的。另外,我們實驗結果發現持續表現sFRP1及sFRP3全長蛋白會拮抗Wnt3a活化LRP6 co-receptor,使其LRP6 co-receptor磷酸化水平降低。而我們也觀察到經由剪切後的sFRP蛋白也會調控Wnt3a活化LRP6 co-receptor,存在sFRP3 N端的剪切型蛋白會抑制LRP6 co-receptor磷酸化水平,而sFRP1 C端的剪切型蛋白能夠提升LRP6 co-receptor磷酸化水平。在LRP6訊號下游的glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) 活性亦會受到sFRP蛋白的調控,表現sFRP1全長蛋白會抑制GSK-3β磷酸化,反之表現sFRP3全長蛋白會促進GSK-3β磷酸化。我們也觀察到存在sFRP1的全長、N端、C端以及sFRP3全長和C端蛋白都會促進β-catenin的穩定性,使β-catenin能在細胞質累積並進入細胞核中。而Sphere-forming assay的結果顯示,sFRP1全長蛋白會抑制sphere的形成,相反地,sFRP3全長蛋白則是會促進sphere-forming的能力。綜合以上的實驗結果得知,sFRP蛋白能夠影響Wnt訊息傳導路徑的活化,而這樣的影響是經由不同的機轉來調控Wnt訊息傳導路徑的活性。我們在此提供了一些嶄新的方法來檢視其生物學上的影響和作用方式,並且了解sFRP1和sFRP3在調控Wnt訊息傳導路徑中所扮演的角色以及對於癌細胞的幹細胞特性和腫瘤新生能力的影響。
Based on the results of our study, sFRP proteins have an association with Wnt3a through cysteine-rich domain (CRD) which is located at the N terminus; while the C terminus [netrin-related (NTR) domain] associates with β-catenin. The result derived from Luciferase reporter assay proves that overexpression full-length sFRP1 can apparently inhibit the level of TopFlash reporter activities to be almost as low as the basal level. In addition, the deletion mutants, the N and C terminus of sFRP1, also inhibit activities of TopFlash reporter. In the sFRP3-overexpressed stable clone, the transcriptional activity of TCF/β-catenin is enhanced, whereas the deletion mutants, the N and C terminus of sFRP3, highly inhibit activities of TopFlash reporter. Furthermore, our data showed that sFRP1 and sFRP3 antagonize Wnt3a-elicited LRP6 co-receptor activation, which also leads to the fall in its phosphorylation level. Interestingly, we observed that the deletion mutants of sFRPs would modulate Wnt3a-elicited LRP6 co-receptor activation. The N terminus of sFRP3 inhibits the phosphorylation level of LRP6 co-receptor, whereas overexpression the C terminus of sFRP1 enhances the phosphorylation level of LRP6 co-receptor. The activity of glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) which is in the downstream of LRP6 is also modulated by sFRP proteins. Moreover, it showed that overexpression sFRP1 could inhibit GSK-3β phosphorylation, whereas overexpression sFRP3 enhances the phosphorylation level of GSK-3β. Also, we observed that the full length, N, and C terminus of sFRP1 and the full length and C terminus of sFRP3 would stabilize β-catenin, which contributes to β-catenin accumulation in the cytosol and further entering into the cell nucleus. As the result showed in the sphere-forming assay, full-length sFRP1 would inhibit the formation of sphere. On the contrary, full-length sFRP3 facilitates the capability of sphere-forming. From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that sFRP proteins are capable of modulating the Wnt signaling pathway. They control the activity of Wnt signaling pathway through different mechanisms. In this study, we provide several brand-new approaches to survey the biological effects of sFRPs. Furthermore, these findings characterize the roles of sFRP1 and sFRP3 involved in regulating Wnt activities and provide a new perspective regarding their biological effects and mode of action, distinguished by capable of modulating stemness and tumor-initiating abilities.
背景介紹 (Introduction)
材料與方法 (Materials and methods)
實驗結果 (Results)
討論 (Discussion)
圖表及圖說 (Figures and figure legends)
文獻參考 (References)

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1. 抑制Rho激酶-肌球蛋白II路徑對於誘導人類胚胎幹細胞衍生間葉前驅細胞產生神經型態之探討
2. sFRP4 (secreted Frizzled-related protein 4) 在Wnt訊息傳遞誘發轉型為癌症幹細胞過程所扮演的角色
3. 異常細胞核內表現的SFRPs在Wnt/β-catenin誘發增加癌症幹細胞特性所扮演的角色
4. 人類骨髓間質幹細胞在癌症幹細胞之利基中所扮演的角色
5. 鑑別在上皮-間質轉化期間 β-catenin 之相異目標並藉此定義癌幹細胞族群與預測腫瘤復發可能性
6. 癌症幹細胞表面標記在癌幹特性、腫瘤形成與轉移所扮演的角色
7. 結合高度正相關GRB2 和 14-3-3θ新癌幹細胞標記提供較準確的大腸癌預後情形
8. 藉由間質幹細胞分泌的外泌體所轉移至癌細胞的RNAs/蛋白質能夠調控其癌症幹細胞的特性
9. CRISPR/Cas9藉由基因體和表觀基因組的編輯精準地調節癌症幹細胞相關基因表達
10. 骨髓間質幹細胞有助於異質性癌症幹細胞利基形成並促進癌症轉移
11. 14-3-3θ通過Stat3途徑逆轉上皮-間質轉化, 以允許腫瘤在轉移部位的生長和定殖
12. 飢餓環境下誘導的M-Sec透過促進奈米隧道管形成以增加癌症幹細胞之特性
13. 間質幹細胞透過細胞間通道促進肺癌細胞產生癌症幹細胞的表型
14. 探討分泌性捲曲蛋白與肺癌幹細胞特性的關聯性
15. 探討STAT3不同轉錄後修飾對於肺癌癌幹細胞特性的調控
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