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作者(外文):Pai, Kun-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Network Effects and Social Sentiment: The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Sales
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Lin, Fu-Ren
Yen, HsiuJu Rebecca
外文關鍵詞:Electronic Word-of-MouthSocial Network analysisSocial Sentiment Analysis
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  • 評分評分:*****
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研究生:白昆庭 指導教授:王俊程 博士


關鍵字:網路口碑 (Electronic Word-of-Mouth)、 社會網路分析 (Social Network Analysis)、 社群情感分析 (Social Sentiment Analysis)
Network Effects and Social Sentiment:
The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Sales

Author: Kun-Ting Pai Advisor: Dr. Jyun-Cheng Wang

Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) from online social media has become increasingly important in influencing customers’ purchasing decisions. More and more firms are taking advantage of eWOM as a new marketing tool, which can collect social intelligence data over different platform content. This study uses the data from the online mobile community as well as actual sales data to analyze the impact of topic, response, social network indicators, and eWOM entropy to determine eWOM generation in relation to product sales.
The results show that the topic of eWOM has a positive impact on product sales, and the topic responses of eWOM have a positive impact on eWOM generation. In social network analysis, degree density and degree centralization have a negative impact on product sales, but betweenness centralization and the clustering coefficient have a positive impact on product sales. Degree density and degree centralization have inconsistent results in analyzing eWOM generation. Degree density has a negative impact on eWOM generation, and degree centralization has a positive impact on eWOM generation. This result also shows that the dispersion of social sentiment has both a positive impact on product sales and on eWOM generation. In practice, these results could be referenced for companies to establish future marketing strategies in social commerce.
Keywords: Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Social Network Analysis, Social Sentiment Analysis
Content 4
Chapter 1 Introduction 7
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 7
1.2 Research Objective 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Online Social Network and eWOM Features 10
2.2 eWOM and Sales 11
2.3 Social Network Analysis 14
2.4 Social Sentiment Analysis 16
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 18
3.1 The Data Collection Approach 18
3.2 Research Framework and Model 25
3.3 Measurement 26
3.3.1 Sales and eWOM characteristics 26
3.3.2 Network effect measures 27
3.3.3 Social sentiment measures 30
3.3.4 Control measures 31
3.4 Research Method 32
Chapter 4 Research Result 33
4.1 Sample and Network Building Description 33
4.2 Analysis and Results 36
4.2.1 Estimation Description 36
4.2.2 Estimation Testing 37
4.2.3 Results 39
Chapter 5 Discussion and Future Work 40
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion 40
5.1.1 The Effect of eWOM Characteristics 40
5.1.2 The Effect of Social Network Analysis 41
5.1.3 The Effect of Social Sentiment Analysis 42
5.2 Managerial Implications 43
5.3 Limitations and Future Work 45
References 46

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