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作者(外文):Kuo, Meng-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):The Persuasive Effect of Online Media Modality on Healthcare Advice Adoption.
指導教授(外文):Ray, Soumya
口試委員(外文):Lin, Fu-ren
Wang, Jyun-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:persuasionmodalityadvice adoptionhealth consciousnessELM modelargument qualitysource credibilityintention to sharerecall
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In order to persuade online users apply health care idea, various kinds of online media modality are widely used on websites, such as animation, audio, picture, and text. Despite the popular use of multimedia modalities, there is an inadequate understanding of its effect on persuasion. To investigate effects on the online users’ performance and perceptions in healthcare information, we integrate the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) to exam people’s advice adoption, intention to share and recall. We set up three different combinations of online media modalities, and use the healthcare issue with animation to exam the dependent variables we mentioned above. Finally, we find that argument quality and source credibility will affect people’s advice adoption and intention to share, but not recall. The results suggest that online media modality will affect all our dependent variables. An important finding for both theory and practice is that people may remember the content well through animation, but when they want to share with other people or adopt the suggestion and idea, they will choose another type of modalities such as picture and text. These results as well as other implications are discussed.
Table of Content
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
2.1 Online modality and memory
2.2 ELM model
2.3 Advice adoption
2.4 Animation, recall and intention to share
2.5 Health consciousness
CHAPTER 3 Conceptual Framework
3.1 Argument quality and source credibility
3.2 Online media modalities
3.3 Control Variables
CHAPTER 4 Methodology
4.1 Data collection
4.2 Research Design and Manipulations
4.3 Measurement of the Constructs
4.3.1 Main variables
CHAPTER 5 Data Analysis
5.1 Measure the effect of online media modality
5.2 Measurement Model Results
5.3 Structure Model Analysis
5.3.1 Hypotheses Testing
CHAPTER 6 Discussion and Conclusion
6.1 Summery of Empirical Findings
6.1.1 Argument quality and Source credibility of ELM model
6.1.2 Online media modality
6.3 Managerial Implications
6.4 Limitations and Future Research
Appendix A Manipulations of online media modality
Appendix B Measurements

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