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作者(外文):Wang, Po Yun
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Business Model Analysis of the Co-Creating Social Business: A Case Study Based on Crowdsourcing Companies.
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Li, Jeng-Jung
Fang, You-Pian
外文關鍵詞:Co-creationCrowdsourcingBusiness ModelThreadlessQuirkyMicrotaskKickstarterArticle one Partner
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在台灣中小企業一直是其重要經濟支柱,大部份的台灣人選擇以加盟的方式來創業,然而,在美國的創業家們偏好以社群商業模式,做為他們創業的模式,隨著雲端與Web 2.0時代的來臨,即使是小企業也能透過社群網絡,提供顧客完全客製化與個人化的服務,美國許多的新創公司也紛紛採行群眾外包的商業模式,該現象有著顯著增加的趨勢,因此,本研究選出五家傑出的群眾外包企業做為分析的對象,並使用Mark Johnson所提出的四格商業模式架構做為分析工具,試圖找出Threadless、Quirky、 Microtask、Kickstarter以及Article One Partner等,這五家眾包發明新創團隊成功的原因,該商業模式裡面包含四個元素分別為顧客價值主張、利潤公式、主要資源與流程,本分析希望幫助我們解讀這些新創公司如何創造、溝通、與傳遞價值給目標客群,也希望藉由本研究,能提供更多關於對此類公司的了解給台灣未來的創業家們。
A study on the business model analysis of the co-creating social business: a case study based on crowdsourcing companies.
Po-Yun Wang, Advisor: Professor Hung-Chang Chiu
Master of International MBA in Technology Management,
National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan
In Taiwan, medium and small enterprises are the mainstay of the economy. The majority of Taiwanese chooses franchise business to start up a company, while the entrepreneurs in America prefer to choose social businesses as their start-up businesses. With the era of Cloud and web 2.0 unfold, even small companies could provide a personalization service to clients through social networking. Many new startups in the U.S. adopted Crowdsourcing business model is increasing noticeably. Hence, the research selects five outstanding Crowdsourcing companies to analyze. The purpose of the study presented in this article is to use Mark Johnson’s four-box business model to find out the factors contributed to the success of companies such as Threadless, Quirky, Microtask, Kickstarter, and Article One Partner. The four elements embed inside the model are customer value proposition, profit formula, key resources, and key processes. The analysis helps us to decode how do they create, communicate, and deliver value to targets profitably. It is hoped that this study may provide a better understanding of the crowdsourcing companies for future Taiwanese entrepreneurs.
CHAPTER 1:Introduction....................................4
1.1.Research Motivation...................................4
1.2.Objectives and Research Questions.....................5
1.3.Overview of the Dissertation..........................6

CHAPTER 2:Literature Review...............................7
2.1.Open Innovation.......................................7
2.3.Business Model........................................13

CHAPTER 3:Research Methodology............................20
3.1.Research Method.......................................20
3.2.Data collection.......................................21
3.3.Research Procedure and Framework......................22
3.4.Case Selection........................................26
3.5.Research Limitation...................................28

CHAPTER 4:Research result.................................31
4.1.B to C Case 1: Threadless.com.........................31
4.2.B to C Case 2: Quirky.com.............................38
4.3.B to C Case 3: Kickstarter............................42
4.4.B to B Case 4: Microtask..............................48
4.5.B to B Case 5: Article One Partners...................51

CHAPTER 5:Research Finding................................57
5.1.Finding From Business Model Analysis..................58
5.2.Finding From the Bowling Alley Market Development.....63

CHAPTER 6:Conclusion......................................65

CHAPTER 7:Bibliography....................................69
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Internet Source
1.Official website of AOP: http://www.articleonepartners.com
2.Official website of Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/
3.Official website of Microtask: http://www.microtask.com/
4.Official website of Quirky: http://www.quirky.com/
5.Official website of Threadless: http://www.threadless.com/
6.Research in the history of organizations: http://en.wikipedia.org/
7.Target users research: http://www.alexa.com
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