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論文名稱(中文):Person-group fit, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Personal Initiative and Impact: A Conceptual Framework
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yu-Wen
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yuan- Chieh
Liu, Yu-Wen
Shih, Hsi-An
外文關鍵詞:Person-group FitOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorPersonal Initiative and Impact
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This study attempts to investigate the effect of person group fit, individual’s intention for initiative, personal impact, and overall effects on individual’s organizational citizenship behavior. Since the widespread use of team based job design, it is important to understand how team members work and perform. This study proposes one conceptual research framework depicting how PG fit facilitates individuals’ intention for initiative and personal impact in groups, and consequently enhances organizational citizenship behaviors
2.1 Person-group fit and intension for initiative 4
2.2 Person-group fit and personal impact 5
2.3 Intention for initiative and organizational citizenship behavior 7
2.4 Personal impact and organizational citizenship behavior 8
2.5 Mediating role of intention for initiative between PG fit and OCB 9
2.6 Mediating role of personal impact between PG fit and OCB 10
3.1 Discussion and Implication 12
3.2 Conclusions 14
3.3 Suggestions for future research 14
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