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作者(外文):Kimberley Evadney Westby
論文名稱(外文):自由貿易協定是否促進出口? 以貝里斯、加勒比海國家 及其他中南美洲國家對美國的農業出口為例
指導教授(外文):Professor Loretta Fung
口試委員(外文):Yang, Chih-Hai
Lee, Yi
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:129
  • 評分評分:*****
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This is a case study to examine export promotion policies and strategies. The research puts forth the concept that exporting occurs for different reasons. Among these are foreign market advantages, economies of scale, foreign market opportunities, change agents assistance and small home market. In addition, this research investigates various avenues of export promotion being carried out and examines how information regarding exporting is being sought. Some of which includes local chamber of commerce, trade associations, or business publications. Coupled with these, free trade agreements that are in place to facilitate exports are also included. The research uses gravity equation to examine how GDP, exchange rate, distance, language, GATT/WTO, CARICOM and CBI affect agricultural exports from Belize, other Central American Countries and Caribbean Countries to the United States from 1970 to 1997. My results show that exports are positively related to country GDP, exchange rate, CARICOM, and caribbean basin initiative membership. GATT/WTO membership is insignificant .These findings suggest that joining multilateral or bilateral trade liberalization can help these countries promote exports to the US, and warrant further analysis in export promotion strategies and policies. Finally, the implications of this study provide evidence on the economic factors that surrounds export promotion policies for countries engaged in exporting.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Literature Review 4
2.1 Why Export? 4
2.1.2 Foreign Marketing Advantages 4
2.1.3 Economies of Scale 5
2.1. 4 Foreign Market Opportunities 5
2.1.5 Change Agents 5
2.1.6 Small local Market 6
2.2 Export Promotion 7
2.3 World Trade Organization and Free Trade Agreements 8
Chapter 3: Background of Trade Agreements which Belize is a member of 9
3.1 Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) 9
3.2 GATT and World Trade Organizations (WTO) 10
3.3 Belize - Guatemala Partial Scope Agreement 11
3.4 Cariforum – European Union Economic Partnership Agreement ( EU - EPA) 12
3.5 Caribcan Agreement 12
3.6 Caribbean Basin Initiative – Trade of Preference Programme 13
Chapter 4: Research Model and Results 14
4.1 Hypothesis Development 14
4.2 Data 16
4.2 Empirical Model 18
4.3 Results Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4 Limitations of the Study 20
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Discussion 21
5.4 Implications for Managers and Policy Makers 22
References 23
Appendix A 26

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