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作者(外文):Cheng, Juli
論文名稱(外文):Competitiveness and Productive Efficiency Analysis For Semiconductor Equipment Industry
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Semiconductor Equipment IndustryCompetivenessProductive Efficiency
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  • 評分評分:*****
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半導體產業乃關鍵技術策略產業. 隨著即將再次面臨的晶圓尺寸升級, 廠商間的激烈競爭與整合, 將再次改變產業內領導與平衡的樣貌.因此, 個別廠商的競爭與效率顯得格外重要.

本文作者鄭如利專注於半導體設備產業, 運用波特五力分析產業競爭樣貌, 並輔以資料包絡分析法檢視個別廠商的效率狀況.
Semiconductor is a strategically important industry serving as a driver, enabler and indicator of technological progress. The coming wafer scale-ups will bring disruptions and dislocations in the semiconductor industry including increased industrial consolidation , new competitive standards and rules defined by those driving the wafer transition. It is important for players within the industry to be well positioned with good competitiveness and productive efficiency.

In this paper, Juli focus on semiconductor equipment industry. It’s competitiveness was analyzed via Porter’s five force analysis, while pro-ductive efficiency was estimated with Data Envelopment Analysis. The results can be beneficial for cooperate strategy development.

Chapter I Introduction
Chapter II Methodology of Research
Chapter III Overview of Semiconductor Industry
Chapter IV Analysis
Chapter V Conclusion
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