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論文名稱(外文):How do websites color and price affect customer decisions
外文關鍵詞:Colorpricewebsite designemotionperceived value
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As the flourish development of Internet, electronic commerce grows prosperously with the needs. Recently, there are more and more people shopping products online. Furthermore, most online consumers cite low price as the dominant factor in their online purchase intentions, hence become more sensitive to the price. Therefore, to attract consumers, it is an important topic for businesses to find out the unique environmental atmospherics except price to differentiate themselves from competitors. According to the stimulus-organism-response framework and through the different color design of websites, this study use high and low price as moderators, investigate the link between colors and consumers’ internal emotion, perceived value, and purchase intention. The analysis result reveals that no matter what the price level is, red online background can produce higher pleasure, arousal and dominance than blue background does. However, when the price is high, blue background with low value and low chroma can enhance the image of prestige, thus produce higher perceived value for consumers. Comparatively, when the price is low, red background with high value and high chroma can arouse consumers’ emotion, and elicit greater perceived value for consumers.
1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Issues 4
2.1 Colors 4
2.1.1 Hue 5
2.1.2 Value 5
2.1.3 Chroma 6
2.2 Price 7
2.3 Perceived Value 8
2.4 Emotion 10
2.5 Purchase Intension 12
2.6 Theoretical Framework 13
3. Methodology 14
3.1 Experimental Design 14
3.2 Stimuli 15
3.3 Subjects and Procedure 16
3.4 Measurement 17
4. Analysis 18
4.1 Pretest 18
4.2 Manipulation Checks 18
4.3 Hypotheses Tests 19
4.3.1 Effects of Hue and Price on Emotions and Perceived Value 20
4.3.2 Effects of Value and Price on Emotions and Perceived Value 21
4.3.3 Effects of Chroma and Price on Emotions and Perceived Value 22
5. Conclusion 24
5.1 Discussion 24
5.2 Limitation and Future Directions 26
References 27
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