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作者(外文):Lin, Ying-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Living Lab and Innovation: The User Innovation and Open Innovation Perspectives.
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yuan-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Living LabUser InnovationOpen Innovation
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生活實驗室(Living Lab)的概念在2005年歐盟區大力推崇後,各國陸續成立了Living Lab,而目前也已經歷過三代,其中Living Lab的核心價值是,改善和增加研發轉移的洞察力,及將新科技成果轉化為現實應用之動力。利用集體的智慧和創造力,為解決社會問題提供機會,強調以人為本、以使用者為中心和共同創新,致力於培養以使用者為中心的環境,創立政府、企業、科研機構共同開放的創新社會。 本研究針對Living Lab及創新相關文獻進行理論探討後,建立出以使用者創新和開放式創新兩大創新理論為架構,探討Living Lab符合兩大創新理論上的何種特點。以台灣2個政府與研究機構類型的Living Lab-資策會及工研院Living Lab-做個案,進行深入訪談,詴圖琢磨出Living Lab的關鍵因素,期望為未來機構在建立Living Lab時給予參考,並對企業在創新研發上提出建議。 研究發現Living Lab在建構時,若規劃機構掌握較大主導權、較偏向需要從頭調查使用者習性,再提出解決方案的場域,能夠採取較多的使用者意見當作解決方案之依據,而藉由提出的解決方案與外部資源合作的機會也愈高。亦即是,有著較多從場域規劃類專案之Living Lab,具有較多的使用者創新與開放式創新的元素在其中,有助於創新的推動。 研究除了Living Lab對創新推動有所幫助外,對於區域規劃方面,採用Living Lab的方式將能夠幫助區域建立自給自足的生態系統(eco-system),另外,在企業間若能採用Living Lab,將能開發出更貼近使用者需求的解決方案,並加速企業產品改善的速度,加深台灣ICT產業獨特優勢。
In 2005, after EU promoted the concept of Living Lab, Living Labs have been set up in numerous countries and already gone through three generations. The core value of Living Lab is to improve and increase the insight of R&D transfers , and to make the latest scientific and technological achievements turn into practical applications. Living Lab applies collective wisdoms and creativities to provide opportunities, address social issues, and emphasize the human-oriented, user-centered and co-innovation function. Moreover, Living Lab is devoted to develop a user-centric and the open innovative community which cooperated with government, enterprises, and research institutions. This study established a framework to illustrate Living Lab on user innovation and open innovation perspectives and describes the key element for setting a innovative Living Lab. In the conclusion of this paper, most of the projects on Living Lab that initiated by planning agencies would take more user feedbacks as the basis for their solutions, and there would be more opportunities to cooperate with external resources. Thus, there are more elements of user innovation and open innovation that would help to promote innovation in the above described Living Lab. Using ITRI and III as case studies, the results provide good references for city planning and help to build self-sustaining ecosystems in many areas. In addition, if enterprises adopt Living Lab, it would accelerate the process of improving products and strengthen the unique advantages of ICT industry in Taiwan.
摘要 ..................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ............................................................................................................ II
致謝詞 .............................................................................................................. III
表目錄 .............................................................................................................. VI
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................. VII
第一章緒論 ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 研究目的 ............................................................................................................................ 2
第二章文獻探討 .............................................................................................. 4
2.1 Living Lab ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Living Lab定義 ................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Living Lab特性 ................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Living Lab之種類 .............................................................................................. 9
2.2 使用者創新(User Innovation) ................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 使用者創新的定義 .......................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Living Lab中的使用者創新 ......................................................................... 18
2.3 開放式創新(Open Innovation) ............................................................................... 20
2.3.1開放式創新定義 ................................................................................................ 20 2.3.2 Living Lab中的開放式創新 ......................................................................... 22
2.4研究架構 ........................................................................................................................... 23
第三章研究方法 ........................................................................................... 25
3.1個案選擇 ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.2資料收集 ........................................................................................................................... 27
第四章個案探討 ........................................................................................... 29
4.1資策會資策會Living Lab ........................................................................................... 29
4.1.1個案簡介 .............................................................................................................. 29
4.1.2資策會資策會Living Lab與使用者創新 ................................................ 31
4.1.3資策會資策會Living Lab與開放式創新 ................................................ 36
4.1.4個案小結 .............................................................................................................. 39
4.2 工研院服科中心Living Lab ..................................................................................... 43
4.2.1個案簡介 .............................................................................................................. 43
4.2.2 工研院服科中心Living Lab與使用者創新 .......................................... 48
4.2.3 工研院服科中心Living Lab與開放式創新 .......................................... 53
4.2.4 個案小結 ............................................................................................................. 56
4.3個案總結 ........................................................................................................................... 59
第五章結論與討論 ....................................................................................... 63
5.1討論 ..................................................................................................................................... 63
5.2 結論 ................................................................................................................................... 65
5.3管理意涵 ........................................................................................................................... 66
5.4未來研究與建議 ............................................................................................................. 67
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................ 68
附錄:訪談大綱 .............................................................................................. 72
附錄:訪談摘要 .............................................................................................. 73
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