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論文名稱(中文):總體經濟變數對台灣股價波動性之長、短期影響 --以CARR模型分析
論文名稱(外文):The Long-Short Term Influence of Taiwan Stock Price Volatility by Macroeconomic Variables --Analyze With CARR Model
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(Conditional Autoregressive Range model)
The report influence that Taiwan Weight Stock Index different with daily data and monthly data,
investigate macroeconomic variables if it volatility significant explanatory power.
Volatility is the risk in the financial market.
To make sure that capture well effect volatility by the other variables.
The goal will be control by market risk in order to reduce losses.

In the empirical model selection,
we adopt CARR model(Conditional Autoregressive Range model)
proposed by Chou(2005)
to be the major risk-model,
with kinds of macro combination,
shows the effect level of these combination to Taiwan stock price volatility.
Concluded, short term volatility is more significant between global financial market and internal financial market,
but daily return rate of foreign exchange is not very outstanding.
The long term volatility is more significant between monthly return rate of foreign exchange and U.S. government bond.
So, the risk will get from the short term financial market,
on the other side, long term affect from economics environment.
1 前言.............................6
2 研究方法...........................11
3 資料敘述...........................14
3.1 日資料...........................15
3.2 月資料...........................15
3.3 總體經濟變數的波動性之討論與計算..............16
3.3.1 日資料之經濟變數 ....................17
3.3.2 月資料之經濟變數 ....................23
4 實證結果............................32
4.1 日資料分析.........................32
4.1.1 模型選擇.........................32
4.2 月資料分析.........................39
4.2.1 模型選擇.........................39
5 結論..............................47
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