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作者(外文):Chen, Yuan-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Price Signals and Technology Adoption Decisions: A Case Study of Kao-shiung and Ping-tung Areas
指導教授(外文):Liao, Chao-Ning
外文關鍵詞:Tradable Pollution PermitIrreversibleNitrogen Oxide
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:498
  • 評分評分:*****
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Under tradable pollution permit system, firms can decide whether or not to install new control equipment to achieve the reduction targets. Therefore, sending the right price signals could help firms make decisions concerning whether to adopt technology or to buy permits. By incorporating technology adoption as a Yes/No binary variable, this research develops an optimization framework analyzing how control agencies can search out appropriate price signals to enhance overall efficiency in the trading market. In this study, we will construct two optimization models, so called the “social planner’s model” and the “firm level model” to investigate how tradable pollution permit system may affect firms’ investment decisions in Kaoshiung and Pingtung areas.
The results show that if the government require firms to reduce total NOX emissions by 10%、15% and 30% from the year 2007 levels, the total regulation costs would be $68.93 million,103.81 million and 210.13 million. The electricity generating industry always plays a major role in pollution reduction and is the largest supplier in the market. However, no equilibrium can be found in these scenarios. Under the 10% regulation, the price range that is closest to the equilibrium condition is from $11,364 to$11,392 per ton. Although there exists excess supply within the price range, the reduction target is achieved. Therefore, if promoting environmental quality is the prime task, the government should release a higher price signal to enhance firm’s incentive for installing new control equipment. However, the excess supply of permit from over investment might be viewed as inefficiency. The government should consider the cost and benefit from excess demand and excess supply in the market before deciding what price signals should be sent.
摘要.................................... i
第一章 緒論.............................. 1
第一節 研究動機與目的...................... 1
第二節 章節安排........................... 3
第二章 研究背景........................... 4
第一節 主要污染管制工具.................... 4
第二節 我國空氣污染管制政策 ................8
第三節 美國酸雨計畫與歐盟排放權交易制度....... 12
第四節 我國現行規劃之排放交易制度............ 19
第三章 文獻回顧........................... 24
第一節 污染物特性與排放權交易............... 24
第二節 排放權交易價格預測 — 以美國與歐盟為例.. 25
第三節 機器設備的不可回復性................. 32
第四節 國內排放權交易制度的相關文獻.......... 33
第四章 經濟模型........................... 36
第一節 社會決策者模型...................... 37
第二節 廠商決策模型........................ 41
第五章 排放權交易實證模擬................... 44
第一節 資料來源及應用...................... 44
第二節 模擬分析結果 ........................47
第六章 結論與建議......................... 61
第一節 結論與政策建議...................... 61
第二節 未來研究方向........................ 63
參考文獻................................. 65

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