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作者(外文):Chuang, Chao-Fu
論文名稱(外文):Linewidth enhancement factor in semiconductor lasers subject to various external optical feedback conditions
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fan-Yi
口試委員(外文):Shi, Jin-Wei
Feng, Kai-Ming
外文關鍵詞:semiconductor laserlinewidth enhancement factoroptical feedbackoptical injection
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  • 評分評分:*****
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藉由光注入的方式量測半導體雷射穩定鎖頻區域Hopf bifurcation曲線最低調製頻率,我們可以得到不同光回饋條件下的α。實驗上,我們利用薄膜分光鏡產生光回饋,將元件裝載於PZT上作精準的光回饋相位調製,透過線性平移台改變光回饋距離,於薄膜分光鏡與半導體雷射間架設光衰減片以改變光回饋強度。根據
實驗所得之結果顯示,α的原始值為3.46,若藉由光回饋相位的調製可以使α 在
光回饋相位的可調製範圍達到了21.09%,以理論模擬分析的方式則可於光回饋距離為0.5公分時,讓α的可調製範圍達到了63.41%,且最低的α僅只有2.25, 明顯地低於α原始值3.46。有鑑於此,只要能夠在極短光回饋距離下適當地調變光
The linewidth enhancement factor α of a semiconductor laser has been widely studied in recent years. In optical communications, the stable signal transmission is attributed
to the lower α. In tradition, α is considered as a constant value. Thus, we propose to use the external control to modulate α under the influences of optical feedback with different feedback strengths, external cavity lengths, and feedback phases. By optically injecting the laser, the Hopf bifurcation curve corresponding to the upper frequency boundary of the stable locking region can be obtained. In the experiment, a pellicle beamsplitter mounted on a PZT stage placed on a linear translation stage is used as the reflector, where the external cavity length can be adjusted continuously from the long cavity regime to the short cavity regime with phase accuracy. The boundary between the long cavity regime to the short cavity regime is determined by the relaxation oscillation frequency.
α is found to be strongly affected by the feedback strength both in the long and short cavity regimes. Moreover, while α is insensitive to the feedback phase in the long cavity
regime, it can be tuned continuously when varying the phase in the short cavity regime. With a moderate feedback strength, the α is found to increase as the feedback strength increases. Moreover, while the α is insensitive to the feedback phase in the long cavity regime, it can be tuned continuously in the short cavity regime when varying the phase. A normalized variation range of 21.59% is obtained experimentally at an external cavity length of 1.5 cm, which can be further enhanced with a shorter cavity. With an external cavity length of 0.5 cm, a normalized variation range of 63.41% is predicted with the simulation. Under such condition, α as low as 2.25 is found which is notably lower than its free-running value.
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
1.緒論 1
1.1 介紹 1
1.2 線寬增益係數與啾頻 2
1.3 研究動機 3
1.4 章節概述 3
2 理論模型 5
2.1 光注入系統 6
2.1.1 Hopf bifurcation 曲線的最小調製頻率 6
2.1.2 模擬方程式 8
2.1.3 實際值與計算值的修正 11
2.2 光回饋系統與光注入系統的結合 15
2.2.1 模擬方程式 16
2.3 綜合討論 18
3 實驗結果 19
3.1 光注入系統實驗架構 20
3.1.1 Hopf bifurcation 曲線量測 23
3.2 具有光回饋系統及光注入系統的實驗架構24
3.2.1 光回饋強度 26
3.2.2 光回饋相位 30
3.2.3 光回饋距離 36
3.2.4 半導體雷射的非線性動態與線寬增益係數 39
3.3 綜合討論 42
4 結論與未來展 44
4.1 結論 44
4.2 未來展望 48
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