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作者(外文):Chiang, Tsung-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Developing the vocabulary-based E-Picture book app integrated with ASR technique to facilitate English vocabulary acquisition
指導教授(外文):Young, Shelley Shwu-Ching
口試委員(外文):Yang, Jie-Chi
Lee, Hsing-Chin
外文關鍵詞:Picture booksBalanced reading instruction (BRI)Automatic speech recognition (ASR) techniqueTablet PCsTechnology-enhanced language learning (TELL)Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS)Team-assisted individualization (TAI)
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4.學生及合作教師皆認同iSpeaking 可作為正規課程外的字彙補充教材。
This study analyzed teaching advantages of integrating picture books into balanced reading instruction in terms of second language acquisition (SLA). Current picture books could support learners to acquire new words by context cues in the logoagraphic phase, but were unable to assist learners in acquiring new words by phonics in the alphabetic phase. This study considered different perspective of vocabualary learning strategies, and developed an ASR-based e-picture book on the iOS platform to enhance current picture books.
Furthermore, in order to verify its feasibility and usability, we cooperated with an English teacher and integrated the developed app, iSpeaking, into the balanced reading instruction to conduct field experiments. One class of 29 sixth grade learners in a certain elementary school of northern Taiwan participated in this study. Learners adopted the iSpeaking app as learning media under the English teacher’s instruction and were grouped by team-assisted individualization (TAI). Learners’ learning performance, attitude and interaction processes were collected and analyzed.
The research findings showed that integrating iSpeaking app into balanced reading instruction could improve heterogeneous learners’ vocabulary dictation, retention and applications, especially for underachievers. In addition, adopting the iSpeaking app as learning media had positive impacts on learning motivation. Learners engaged in adapting their pronunciations according to ASR feedbacks, which integrate token reinforcement. Teacher also agreed that adopting TAI model could convert her role to become a facilitator beside learners.
In contrast to traditional picture books, the iSpeaking app could help learners acquire vocabulary through the enhancement of phonological loop under context cues. This study points out six success elements of teaching and learning vocabulary through picture books - R.E.C.I.T.E.
R: Repetitive phonics learning opportunities.
E: Enough time to verify individual learning difficulties.
C: Context cues of picture books.
I: Immediate pronunciations feedbacks.
T: Token reinforcement mechanism.
E: Equal participation and socialized collaboration.
Based on the data collection and analysis, this study reaches the following conclusions:
1.The interactive word learning model reached by iSpeaking app can assist learners in adopting contexts as cognitive cues, and reciting vocabulary through phonics based on context cues.
2.The ASR feedbacks integrated the structure token could be regarded as referential indexes of CSCL and promote members to optimize their pronunciations repetitively.
3.The feedbacks of ASR, peer-to-peer instruction and teacher’s assistance could build up a three-tier scaffolding to help learners learn efficiently.
4.Both teacher and learners agreed that iSpeaking app could be used as supplementary materials for teaching vocabulary.
We hope that the iSpeaking app will be applied in more extensive learning contexts to assist teachers in constructing low-anxiety and joyful learning environments, and improve leaners’ vocabulary learning strategies by enhancing their phonological loop under the support of context cues.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.3 研究動機 3
1.4 研究目的 4
1.5 研究問題 5
1.6 重要名詞解釋 5
1.7 研究範圍及限制 6
1.8 研究內容架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 科技輔助語言學習:從 CALL至 MALL 9
2.2 字彙教學不同觀點 12
2.3 繪本的定義、型態、英語教學應用 18
2.4 代幣制度教學探討 35
2.5 合作學習教學探討 42
第三章 研究方法 51
3.1 研究架構 51
3.2 研究情境 53
3.3 研究對象 53
3.4 研究流程 54
3.5 研究設計 56
3.6 教學處理 57
3.7 研究工具 62
3.8 資料分析方式 63
第四章 系統設計與實作 65
4.1 iSpeaking之繪本應用開發 65
4.2 iSpeaking之語音辨識機制 69
4.3 iSpeaking架構及功能說明 74
第五章 資料分析與討論 86
5.1 實驗對象背景分析 86
5.2 iSpeaking學習成效分析 90
5.3 iSpeaking學習態度影響 95
5.4 iSpeaking學習策略分析 101
5.5 iSpeaking協助教師實現適性化教學 106
5.6 iSpeaking介面與各功能感受 111
5.7 討論 117
第六章 研究結論與建議 119
6.1 結論 120
6.2 研究建議 123
6.3 未來展望 124
參考文獻 126
英文部分 126
中文部分 134
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