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論文名稱(外文):Algorithms of Allocating Hose Model Virtual Clusters in BCube Cloud Data Centers
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
外文關鍵詞:Cloud computingBCubeVirtual ClusterHose ModelBandwidth Guarantee
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近年雲端計算愈來愈受歡迎。在基礎設施即服務 (IaaS) 模式當中,用戶可以彈性地根據需求,以租用虛擬機器的方式向服務提供者要求不同的計算資源。但是,目前各大服務商均未能保證虛擬機器在雲端內 (Intra-Cloud) 的網路效能。最近有學者提出以提供軟管模型 (Hose model)虛擬叢集 (Virtual Cluster),向用戶的每台虛擬機器提供具有最小頻寬保證是其中一個有效的方法。另外,為了改善雲端內的網路效能,近年來許多研究提出新的資料中心架構,BCube 是其中一種有別於傳統樹狀拓撲的網路架構。我們的論文提出在 BCube 拓撲的雲端資料中心分配軟管模型的虛擬叢集的演算法,分別有以多路徑路由和單一路徑路由實現虛擬叢集的方法。多路徑實現虛擬叢集能夠有效地利用BCube 拓撲的多路徑的特性,讓資料中心能夠同時容納更多用戶需求。我們的實驗證明我們的方法能夠應用在大規模的資料中心的即時資源分配系統,我們的方法能夠提供85% 以上的用戶最小網路頻寬保證的服務,而且實驗也證明多路徑方法能夠容納更多的需求並為服務提供者帶來更高的收益。
In recent years, cloud computing becomes more and more attractive. In Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model, tenants can flexibly request the computing resources from the cloud providers via renting the virtual machines (VMs). However, most cloud providers cannot guarantee the intra-cloud network performance for the VMs. The hose-model virtual cluster is an efficient way to provide the guaranteed network performance to tenants. Moreover, many recent researches proposed novel datacenter architecture to improve the network performance. BCube is one of the novel architecture different from the traditional tree-like topology. We propose a two-phases algorithm to allocate the virtual clusters in BCube datacenter, which includes Bandwidth-Aware VM Allocation (BA-VA) algorithm and Multi-Path Bandwidth Allocation (MP-BA) algorithm. The MP-BA algorithm uses the path diversity nature of BCube to increase the capacity of datacenter. The simulation result shows that our algorithms can be applied to the large-scale datacenter. We can provide the minimum bandwidth guaranteed for over 85% tenants in the case of high load. The simulation result also shows that our algorithm can let datacenter accommodate more requests, and get higher revenue for the service providers.
Abstract ii
List of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Hose-model VPN 4
2.2 BCube Datacenter 5
2.3 Network-aware VM Placement 7
Chapter 3 The Virtual Cluster Allocation Algorithm 9
3.1 System Model 10
3.2 VM Allocation 11
3.3 Bandwidth Allocation 24
Chapter 4 Performance Evaluation 31
4.1 Simulation Results 32
Chapter 5 Conclusions 39
References 40
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