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論文名稱(中文):On Strategies to Maximize Infections in a Susceptible-Infected Network with Two Viruses
論文名稱(外文):二種病毒在 Susceptible-Infected 網絡模型中的最大化感染策略
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能影響到最多的人。我們將兩種病毒在網路中擴散的模型稱為 SI1I2 model。從
Many phenomena can be model as epidemic in social network, such as viruses, rumors,ideologies, or marketing etc. When there exist two competitors who try to maximize
each spread in the network, there comes the question that what nodes target in the very beginning to achieve the maximum spread. The epidemic model we use is called
SI1I2(Susceptible-Infected1-Infected2) model, where there are two viruses spreading in the network. We fi nd that there are some problems when extending the approximation from one virus to two viruses. We derive the appropriate approximation according to community detection result. We compare several strategies for the initial chosen nodes
for each competitor. Choosing top degree nodes in each community is the strategy we give which has more influence than others according to centrality properties. Our
approximation agrees with these results.
Contents 1
List of Figures 3
1 Introduction 4
2 Model 6
2.1 SI1I2 model 6
2.2 Community detection 7
3 Approximation 8
3.1 Mean- eld approximation 8
3.2 Degree-based approximation 10
3.3 Degree-based approximation with communities 12
4 Experiments 15
5 Conclusions 22
Bibliography 23
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