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作者(外文):Tsai, Tsung Yu
論文名稱(外文):Current-Mode Ambient Light Sensor for Ultra Low Power Applications
指導教授(外文):King, Ya-Chin
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chrong Jung
Lu, S.-C.
外文關鍵詞:ambient light sensorlow power sensorCMOS image sensorcurrent mirrorsuccessive approximation ADCcurrent mode sensor
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This work presents a novel current mode ultra low power ambient light sensor for distributed sensor node application. Thissensor features minimum supply voltage (<1.2V) for meeting the low power requirement, by a successive approximation register logic combined with progressive sizing current mirrors for analog-to-digital conversion, The current-mode operation simplifies the ADC circuit by eliminating the capacitors array, which further reduces its power consumption. Furthermore, controlling theadjustable dynamic range for indoor or outdoor sensing can be obtained by clock frequency. This current mode sensor provides a promising solution for distributed environmental sensing modulesunder tight energy budgets.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
致謝 iii
內文目錄 iv
圖片目錄 vi
表格目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2章節簡介 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1無線感應器系統介紹 3
2.1.1無線感應器系統應用 3
2.1.2無線感測系統架構 4
2.1.3感測端硬體限制 5
2.2低功率光感測器模組 6
2.2.1自我供電系統與其限制 6
2.2.2自我供電之感光二極體感測器 7
2.3小結 7
第三章 電流模式環境光感測器設計與模擬結果 14
3.1電流鏡環境光感測器之架構 14
3.2 Wilson電流鏡環境光感測器 15
3.3環境光感測器之模擬結果 16
3.4小結 16
第四章 環境光感應器電路與佈局圖改善 31
4.1電路誤差改善 31
4.2結合medium Vth transistor的低誤差電流鏡 32
4.2.1結合medium Vth transistor的低誤差Wilson電流鏡電路架構 32
4.2.2製成誤差模擬特性比較 33
4.3低製程變動佈局方式 34
4.3.1製成誤差模擬特性比較 34
4.3.1低漏電流之感光二極體佈局 35
4.4實作晶片之量測結果與討論 35
4.5小結 37
第五章 結論 53
5.1新型環境光感測器的優點分析 53
5.2總結及未來展望 53
參考文獻 55
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