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論文名稱(外文):Optical waveguide sensing films for real-time monitoring nitric oxide and nitrite
外文關鍵詞:nitric oxidenitritewaveguidereal-time sensingfiber
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一氧化氮(Nitric oxide)與亞硝酸鹽(nitrite)是人體內重要的分子,因此一氧化氮/亞硝酸鹽感測器在生醫上有著極大的研究發展價值。本論文以一氧化氮/亞硝酸鹽光波導感測膜之研究為重點。將NO probe 1,2-Diaminoanthraquinone (DAQ)摻入pHEMA製作出具有可撓性、高選擇性的一氧化氮/亞硝酸鹽水凝膠感測膜,而此薄膜不會因環境pH值改變而造成影響。之後,以薄膜作為波導,藉此增加光程,提高光吸收度,提升薄膜對於一氧化氮/亞硝酸的感測極限與靈敏度。並結合雷射、光纖、CCD光譜儀完成一氧化氮與亞硝酸鹽量測系統,此系統能夠隨時間感測水溶液中的一氧化氮/亞硝酸鹽,而本論文最後證明光波導感測膜主要反應物為亞硝酸鹽。
Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrite (NO2-) are important molecules in the human body. Therefore, NO / NO2- sensor in the biomedical research and development has an immense value. This thesis aims to do the research on NO / NO2- waveguide sensing film. The NO probe molecule 1,2-diaminoanthraquinone (DAQ) is dispersed in Poly 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (poly HEMA), to form a NO / NO2- hydrogel sensing film which is high selectivity and flexibility, and this film does not be affected by acid. Next, taking the film as the waveguide to increasing the light path and absorbance which enhance the sensing limit and sensitivity. We combine the sensing film with lasers, fiber, and CCD spectrometer as a measurement system for monitoring aqueous NO / NO2- real-time. Nitrite is the main reactant with waveguide sensing.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
Chapter1 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 一氧化氮(NO)與亞硝酸鹽(NO2-)介紹 1
1-2-1一氧化氮(NO) 1
1-2-2 亞硝酸鹽 8
1-3 研究動機 9
1-4 論文架構 11
Chapter2 實驗原理 12
2-1 光吸收理論 12
2-2 NO probe反應原理 17
Chapter3 實驗材料、製程與量測 20
3-1 材料介紹 20
3-2感測薄膜製程 28
3-2-1 HEMA平版模製作 28
3-2-2 pHEMA平板模與光纖耦合pHEMA平板膜製作 30
3-3儀器介紹 32
3-4量測系統介紹 35
3-4-1 吸收光譜儀量測 35
3-4-2 雷射系統量測架構 35
3-4-3 雷射耦合光纖量測系統 36
Chapter4 實驗設計與結果 38
4-1 DAQ感測分子 38
4-2固態薄膜對NO的感測 39
4-3光波導感測膜對NO的感測 43
4-3-1 光波導感測薄膜 43
4-3-2 雷射耦合光纖系統實驗 44
4-4 NO2-定量量測 54
Chapter5 結論 59
參考文獻 60
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