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作者(外文):Gu, Min-Siang
論文名稱(外文):Measurement and Characterization of Tip Tunneling Diode
指導教授(外文):King, Ya-Chin
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chrong Jung
Lu, Shiang-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:diodeField enhancementtip structureembedded flash processReliability
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:937
  • 評分評分:*****
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This work presents a tip tunneling diode by 0.18µm embedded flash process. The tip structure is employed to create electrical field enhancement effect, resulting in current difference between forward and reverse bias. Thorough, measurement and simulation of the tunneling diodes are included in this work. Significant conduction current through tunneling can be obtained with high enough electric field. Unlike a conventional diode which requires carrier injection into the junction at forward-bias operation, tunneling diode can be advantageous for speed switching. Capacitance is relatively independent of bias voltage. In addition, its IV characteristics remains very stable with temperature change.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
內文目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 諸論 1
 1.1 前言 1
 1.2 論文大綱 1
第二章 穿隧機制與穿隧元件回顧 3
 2.1 穿透機制介紹 3
 2.2 穿隧二極體(Tunneling Diode) 6
 2.3 金屬-絕緣層-半導體(MIS)穿隧元件 6
 2.4 電場增強效應的應用 7
 2.5 小結 7
第三章 尖角穿隧二極體 16
 3.1 元件設計與製作 16
  3.1.1元件結構 16
 3.2電場增強效應模擬 17
 3.3 元件特性模擬 18
  3.4 小結 19
第四章 量測結果與討論 31
 4.1 量測環境與元件特性討論 31
  4.1.1 量測環境介紹 31
  4.1.2 量測結果討論 31
 4.2 溫度效應 32
 4.3 最大電壓操作特性 32
 4.4 可靠度測試與分析 33
 4.5 小結 34
第五章 結論 49
参考文獻 50
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