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論文名稱(外文):Study of Characteristics of High-Power GaN PIN Diodes
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我們使用MOCVD沉積在Conventional sapphire substrate (CSS) 以及Patterned sapphire substrate (PSS) 為基板的氮化鎵晶圓製作了氮化鎵PIN二極體,並設計I-GaN的厚度為5um,希望能藉此提高二極體的崩潰電壓。為了改善氮化鎵PIN二極體特性,我們藉由PE-ALD來沉積Al2O3薄膜當作氮化鎵PIN二極體的側壁保護層,這個保護層是用來減少邊緣效應。另外我們也設計一種新的結構來達到自我保護的作用,用來改善元件的功率損耗。
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
誌 謝 3
List of Figs 6
List of Tables 9
Chapter 1 Introduction 10
1-1 Power device introduction 10
1-1-1 PIN diodes 11
1-2 Atomic Layer Deposition system 12
1-2-1 ALD System structure 13
1-2-2 Theory 14
1-3 Research Motivation 17
Chapter 2 Theory And Experiment 19
2-1 Dielectric breakdown for Al2O3 with the MIM structure 19
2-2 Physics of metal-semiconductor contact 20
2-2-1 Circular transmission line Method (CTLM) 20
2-2-2 N-type GaN and P-type GaN CLTM 23
2-3 Deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) 24
2-4 Design of mask 28
2-5 The fabrication process of diode 29
2-5-1 Experimental details 30
2-6 Measurement system 37
2-6-1 I-V, C-V and C-t Characteristic Measurement Systems 37
2-6-2 Electroluminescence Spectrum (E-L) Measurement System 38
Chapter 3 Result And Discussion 42
3-1 SEM and AFM 42
3-2 Al2O3 with the MIM structure 44
3-3 Ohmic contacts on n-type GaN and p-type GaN 46
3-4 I-V Characteristics 50
3-4-1 The forward current characteristics 50
3-4-2 The reverse current characteristics 50
3-4-3 The breakdown voltage characteristics 51
3-4-4 I-V Characteristics on patterned sapphire substrate 60
3-5 C-V Characteristics 64
3-6 DLTS Characteristics 68
3-7 Electroluminescence Spectrum 75
Chapter 4 Conclusion 76
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