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作者(外文):Lo, Wei-Tang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Reliability of POCl3 Annealed ALD SiO2 for 4H-SiC MOSFETs
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Fang
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  • 評分評分:*****
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碳化矽金氧半場效電晶體的場效遷移率使用三氯氧磷退火已經被證明可以明顯的提升至 80-90 cm2/V-s,然而許多文獻指出磷摻雜的絕緣層會有著穩定性與可靠度的問題。因此本篇論文目的是使用新方法來檢視三氯氧磷退火後的可靠度。
在論文中我們使用的新方法是利用原子層沉積的方式沉積閘極絕緣層並期望能夠改善可靠度的問題。實驗結果原子層沉積氧化層在矽上有著不錯的可靠度,其崩潰電場平均可達到8MV/cm,TDDB在150˚C下施加電場7MV/cm可達1420秒。在碳化矽金氧半電容方面,利原子層沉積氧化層經過三氯氧磷退火相對於高溫氧化接著使用三氯氧磷退火來的更穩定。在碳化矽金氧半場效電晶體方面,高溫氧化加三氯氧磷退火的元件其場效遷移率約為 66 cm2/V-s 。然而,原子層沉積氧化層製作出來的金氧半場效電晶體的場效遷移率只有 6-12 cm2/V-s 左右。
The field effect mobility μFE of SiC MOSFETs with POCl3 annealed gate oxide has been proven to be significantly enhanced to 80-90 cm2/V-s. However, literature shows that phosphorus-doped dielectric layer has stability and reliability problems. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to inspect the reliability of POCl3 annealed with novel approaches.
In this thesis, our approach is to deposit a gate dielectric with ALD and the reliability problems are expected to improve. From experiment results, ALD oxide layer shows good reliability on Si, and the average breakdown field is approximately 8 MV/cm. The extracted TDDB stressing at 7MV/cm and 150℃ is 1420 sec. For the SiC MOSC, the ALD oxide layer followed by POCl3 annealing is more stable than thehigh temperature dry oxide followed by POCl3 annealing. For the SiC MOSFET, the μFE of high temperature dry oxidation followed by POCl3 annealing is 66 cm2/V-s. However, the μFE of MOSFET with an ALD oxide layer is only 6-12 cm2/V-s
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1.1 寬能隙材料─碳化矽 1
1.2 碳化矽晶格結構 2
1.3 碳化矽的閘極氧化層 3
1.4 原子層沉積二氧化矽 4
1.5 可靠度 6
1.6 研究動機與論文大鋼 8
第二章 製程實驗 12
2.1碳化矽電容製程實驗 12
2.2 碳化矽電晶體製程實驗 13
2.2.1 一般清潔 (Initial cleaning) 13
2.2.2 對準鍵 (Alignment key) 14
2.2.4 基極離子佈值 (Body implantation) 14
2.2.5 汲極/源極離子佈值 (Source/drain implantation) 15
2.2.6 電性活化 (Electrical activation) 15
2.2.7 閘極絕緣層 (Gate dielectric) 16
2.2.8 汲極,源極與基極接觸金屬 (Source, drain and body contact) 16
2.2.9 閘極與墊金屬 (Gate and Pad metal ) 17
2.3 電性分析 17
2.3.1 MOSC 17
2.3.2 MOSFET 18
對準鍵 (Alignment key) 21
基極離子佈值 (body implantation) 21
汲極/源極離子佈值 (Source/Drain implantation) 21
第三章 實驗量測結果與討論 26
3.1 原子層沉積二氧化矽測試實驗 26
3.2 SiC MOSC 27
3.3 SiC MOSFET 31
第四章 結論與未來改善 54
References 54
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