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作者(外文):Chen, I-Ping
論文名稱(外文):Rapid Thermal Sulfurization Process of RF-sputter Deposited Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin films
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在此研究中,將射頻濺鍍機(RF-sputter)成長出的金屬前驅物層(glass/mo/ZnSn/Cu),放入緊密式的石墨盒中,填入適量地硫粉後,利用快速熱退火系統(RTP)進行高溫硫化製程,達到無毒且快速的CZTS薄膜製作。利用調整與設計實驗參數來成長出高品質的CZTS薄膜,並進一步探討與分析硫化製程參數對薄膜特性的影響。此外,探討不同銅含量的金屬前驅物層對薄膜特性的影響,其組成比控制在Cu/Zn+Sn=0.7~1.2範圍內,發現出薄膜中銅的含量對於CZTS 薄膜的特性有很大的影響。從中利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)、感應耦合電漿質譜分析儀(ICP-MS)、X光繞射儀(XRD)、拉曼光譜儀、紫外光/可見光光譜儀(UV/VIS)和霍爾量測等儀器,分析薄膜的形態、組成比、結構、電性和能隙等薄膜特性。
使用無毒快速熱退火製作的CZTS薄膜,透過XRD的分析結果,其擁有(112), (2 2 0)/(204) and (312)平面的訊號,顯示製作出Kesterite結構的CZTS薄膜,且能隙介於1.42eV與1.54之間,則吸收係數為超過104cm−1以上,此材料特性,非常適合作為太陽能吸收層的材料。
銅缺乏(Cu-poor)的金屬前驅物製作出最佳特性的CZTS太陽能電池,其組成比為Cu/Zn+Sn=0.73,主要為銅缺乏的CZTS 薄膜擁有較佳的薄膜品質與特性,其太陽能結構為Glass/Mo/CZTS/CdS/I-ZnO/ITO/Al grid.製作出短路電流(Jsc) 為10.37 mA/cm2、開路電壓(Voc)為200 mV,填充因子(FF)為40.3% 和效率0.85%的CZTS薄膜太陽能電池,此結果證明無毒且快速的熱退火硫化製程為有潛力與價值性的CZTS製作技術。
List of Figure.............................................V
List of Table.............................................IX
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................1
1-1 Introduction...........................................1
1-2 Categories of solar cells..............................2
1-3 Thin film solar cells..................................3
1-4 Motivation.............................................5
Chapter 2 Cu2ZnSnS4........................................7
2-1 Structure and properties of CZTS material..............7
2-1-1 Kesterite-related compounds of CZTS..................8
2-2 CZTS thin film solar cell.............................10
2-2-1 Currents in a diode.................................10
2-2-2 The equivalent circuit for a solar cell.............11
2-2-3 The I-V curve of the illuminated solar cells........13
2-2-4 Secondary phase.....................................15
Chapter 3 Experimental detail.............................19
3-1 CZTS solar cell structure and fabricated process......19
3-2 Experiment instrument.................................28
3-2-1 RF-Sputter..........................................28
3-2-2 RTP.................................................29
3-3 Analysis techniques...................................31
3-3-1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)..................31
3-3-2 Energy dispersive spectrometers (EDS)...............34
3-3-3 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS).......................................................35
3-3-4 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD).............................37
3-3-5 Raman...............................................38
3-3-6 Hall measurements...................................38
Chapter 4 Results and discussion..........................41
4-1 Deposited method of precursor.........................41
4-1-1 Metallic precursor type.............................41
4-1-2 Composition controlling of Metallic precursor.......45
4-2 Pre-annealing for metallic precursors.................47
4-3 Sulfurization process.................................49
4-4 Effect of Cu concentration............................58
4-4-1 Compositions of metallic precursors.................58
4-4-2 Structure and second phase analysis.................59
4-4-3 Compositions of sulfurized films.....................63
4-4-4 Morphological characterization......................64
4-4-5 Optical properties..................................67
4-4-6 Electrical characterization.........................69
4-6 Solar device of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film...................70
Chapter 5 Conclusions.....................................72
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