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作者(外文):Lai, Yu-Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Energy-efficient Cache Mechanisms on Fault Tolerance Distributed Storage System
指導教授(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
口試委員(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
外文關鍵詞:CacheRAIDcloudenergy-efficientfault tolerancecache
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  • 評分評分:*****
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系統中,硬碟的idle 時間、較差的隨機存取效能都會導致硬碟消耗電能,因此,
我們提出了一種寫入快取機制稱做CacheRAID,CacheRAID 的目的是用來改善
在RAID 儲存系統的隨機存取問題並且延長硬碟的idle 時間,讓RAID 硬碟進入
回復資料?或是儲存系統可以容忍多少顆硬碟損壞?舉例而言,RAID 儲存系統通
常可以容忍一顆硬碟故障,換句話說,當有兩顆硬碟損壞時,RAID 儲存系統就
容錯率往往需要更多的data parity 區塊,而這些區塊會佔據許多硬碟的空間,因
Green storage is a hot topic at the moment with the demand of physical storage devices increasing. Because of the data size increasing, conserving energy of storage systems is becoming a growing concern in current storage technology. The factors of disk power consumption include disk idle time, poor random writing performance and random read in distributed file systems. Hence, we present an adaptive write cache mechanism - CacheRAID. Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disk (RAID) is widely used in modern distributed storage systems. Our CacheRAID aims to improve the random access problems that implicitly exist in RAID techniques to create more idle time of hard drives, and conserve RAID disk array energy.
Good reliability and space efficiency are quality requisites to a good fault tolerance mechanism. And there are some critical issues in fault tolerance system. First, how fast can fault tolerance system to rebuild their data block when storage system is failure? Then, the storage system is still recoverable under the upper bound limited of disk failure. For example, RAID system is usually recoverable when one disk is failed. On the other hand, the RAID storage system can’t rebuild itself when the numbers of failure disk are more than one. Finally, the space efficiency that is the trade of high fault tolerance factor. High fault tolerance usually need more data parity block, and these parities block will occupy much storage space in disk. Hence, how can we use less data to recovery our storage system? That is an important issue.
1. 介紹
2. 系統背景
2.1 相關系統研究
2.2 Log 分析
2.3 系統可靠度模型
3. CacheRAID 系統架構
3.1 系統架構
3.2 資料擺放演算法
3.3 系統可靠度分析
3.4 容錯機制設計
3.5 MD5 驗證
4. 實驗結果
4.1 實驗環境
4.2 實驗數據結果
4.2.1 能源消耗量比較
4.2.2 系統可靠度比較
5. 結論
6. 參考資料
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