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作者(外文):Huang, Shih-Che
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Peer Grading Mechanism of Massive Open Online Course Platform
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chung-Ming
Lee, Wei-Tsong
外文關鍵詞:Peer GradingMassive Open Online Course
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  • 評分評分:*****
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現在有許多線上學習平台,並整合了許多便利的功能,例如: 線上討論區、線上討論室等等,讓大家也可以在線上進行討論。有非常多的線上學習平台,與世界各國知名的學校教授合作,開辦許多專業線上課程,讓現代人可以很便利迅速地學習不同領域的知識。由於線上課程提供了迅速、便利的學習管道,造成線上課程與實體課程規模差異巨大,如原本一位教授開課的修課人數最多可能百人,但線上課程卻可達上千人,且許多時候作業與考試的模式可能是申論式,但老師並無法批改這麼大量的作業或考試,使作業或考試的批改變的非常困難。
With the appearance of a great amount of knowledge of different fields, the explosion of knowledge has taken place. How to get information quickly and efficiently has become extremely important. Furthermore, it is necessary for modern people to learn much more since the integration of different technologies in different fields has become more and more common; however, it is not convenient for modern people to learn due to the limit of time and place. Therefore, online learning platform has been a convenient way for learning in recent years.
There are many online learning platforms with a great number of convenient functions inclusive of online discussion forum, online face-to-face discussion room, and so on. Plenty of institutes developing online learning platforms cooperate with well-known professors all over the world, providing a good approach to learn knowledge in different fields. However, the grading tasks could be difficult for teachers since a great number of open-answer quizzes/assignments are needed to be assessed.
For the purpose of solving the assessment problem, we propose a peer grading approach and implement on the real online learning platform to do experiments to get a better assessment result which might be similar to the experts’ assessments. This mechanism not only solves the assessment problem, but also enhances the learning effectiveness of students by their review in the assessment process. Nevertheless, how to get an objective assessment by peer grading is the main topic in this thesis.
With the popularity of online learning platforms, we modern people can learn more and enhance our capabilities in a quick and convenient way when facing with the explosion of knowledge and information, and this will definitely promote the advancement in science and technology again.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 3
2.1 Massive Open Online Courses 3
2.1.1 cMOOC 4
2.1.2 xMOOC 5
2.2 ShareCourse 5
Chapter 3 System Design and Architecture 9
3.1 System Architecture Overview 9
3.2 System Procedure 11
3.3 Design of Distributor 14
3.4 Design of Trust-Degree Updater 16
Chapter 4 Implementation and Experiment 18
4.1 Environment 18
4.1.1 Smarty Template System 19
4.1.2 CodeIgniter 20
4.2 Distributor Implementation 21
4.2.1 Distribution Flow Chart 22
4.2.2 Distribution Algorithm 25
4.3 Trust-Degree Updater Implementation 29
4.3.1 Trust-Degree Update Flow Chart 30
4.3.2 Trust-Degree Update Formula 34
4.3.3 Trust-Degree Update Algorithm 36
4.4 Experiment Results 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future work 43
References 45
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[17] Smarty Template System. Available: http://www.smarty.net/
[18] CodeIgniter Web Application Framework. Available: http://ellislab.com/codeigniter
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