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論文名稱(外文):A Client-side-based Mechanism for Detecting Rogue Access Points
指導教授(外文):Sun, Hung-Min
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Fu-Hau
Huang, Yu-Lun
外文關鍵詞:Rogue Access PointWireless Network SecurityEvil Twin AttackMan-in-the-middle Attack
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用者,存在一個安全上的風險-偽造之惡意無線基地台攻擊(Rogue Access Point
Attak)。惡意者設置相同或是類似合法AP 的SSID(服務設定識別碼)) 欺騙無
心的使用者連向他們,Rogue AP 為無線區域網路嚴重威脅中的一種,也屬於一
步發動其他的中間人攻擊(Man-In-The-Middle Attack),像是重新將使用者導向
偽造的釣魚網頁,或是插入其他的偽造的訊息。現存的Rogue AP 偵測方法大多
 在我們的研究中,我們提供了一個使用者端的偵測方法來偵測Rogue AP 攻
Wireless network are popular today and used for convenience of mobile users. However, there is a big risk for Wi-Fi users that adversaries will trick users to connect to the rogue access point. Rogue access point is one of serious threat in wireless local area networks (WLANs) that it is a phishing scam for luring naïve wireless users by setting up the same or similar SSIDs as legitimate one. Adversaries can eavesdrop on wireless communications of users’Internet access and launch another man-inthe- middle (MITM) attack further such as redirecting users to phishing website or injecting on wireless communication. Existing rogue access point detection methods are mostly for wireless network administrators by comparing the existing authorized lists or prior training database. In such case, it is limited, costly, and impractical for users who want to protect by themselves in time. Thus, client-base detection method is desirable nowadays. In our research, we present a client-based detection method to detect Rogue Access Point Attack. We discuss and analyze the current security issues on WLANs environment and compare to the related researches on this topic. Our method is more close to user scenarios in real environment and offers a straightforward way to inspect the AP you connect to timely.
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Related Work
4. Attack Model
5. The Proposed Method
6. Implementation And Discussion
7. Conclusion
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