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作者(外文):Hsu, Wei-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Facial Expression Recognition Based on Facial Features
外文關鍵詞:facial expression recognitionROI captureaction unitspreprocessingdimensionality reductiongabor filter bank
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我們從心理學的角度提出了基於五官特徵的表情辨識方法,利用心理學家Paul Ekman的Action Units論點,藉由探索五官在作表情時的肌肉變化,將臉再分成五官區域來作辨識。本論文將從諸多相關研究中從介紹美國心理學家Paul Ekman開始,與六個基礎表情,以及特徵擷取或五官模型為主的表情辨識方法,而本論文是以實際測試的辨識系統作切入,探討研究每個步驟,流程大致有兩大部分:「前處理」與「辨識方法」。


前處理後影像上人臉的差異化變小,這時便進入第二部分「辨識方法」。這裡我們主要採用賈波濾波器(Gabor filter bank)這個特徵擷取方法,搭配區塊擷取(ROI capture),並根據擷取後的高維度特徵向量,使用主成份分析(principal component analysis)加上線性識別分析(linear discriminant analysis)做降維,以增加辨識速度,再搭配支持向量機(support vector machine)作為我們的分類器。

We propose an expression recognition method based on facial features from the psychological perspective. According to the American psychologist Paul Ekman’s work on action units, we divide a face into different facial feature regions for expression recognition via the movements of individual facial muscles during slight different instant changes in facial expression. This thesis starts from introducing Paul Ekman’s work, 6 basic emotions, and existing methods based on feature extraction or facial models. Our system have two main parts: preprocessing and recognition method.

The difference in training and test environments, such as illumination, or face size and skin color of different subjects under testing, is usually the major influencing factor in recognition accuracy. It is therefore we propose a preprocessing step in our first part of the system: we first perform face detection and facial feature detection to locate facial features. We then perform a rotation calibration based on the horizontal line obtained by connecting both eyes. The complete face region can be extracted by using facial models. Lastly, the face region is calibrated for illumination and resized to same resolution for dimensionality of feature vector.

After preprocessing, we can reduce the difference among images. Second part of our proposed system is the recognition method. Here we use Gabor filter banks with ROI capture to obtain the feature vector and principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for dimensionality reduction to reduce the computation time. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) is adopted as our classifier.

The experimental result shows that the proposed method can archive 86.1%, 96.9%, and 89.0% accuracy on three existing datasets JAFFE, TFEID, and CK+ respectively (based on leave-one-person-out evaluation). We also tested the performance on the 101SC dataset that were collected and prepared by ourselves. This dataset is relatively difficult in recognition but closer to the scenario in reality. The proposed method is able to achieve 62.1% accuracy on it. We also use this method to participate the 8th UTMVP (Utechzone Machine Vision Prize) competition, and we were ranked the second place out of 10 teams.
摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 IV
目錄 VI
表目次 X
圖目次 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究主題 1
1.1.1 研究簡介 1
1.1.2 競賽簡介 2
1.2 相關研究簡介 3
1.2.1 Paul Ekman 3
1.2.2 六大表情說明 4
1.2.3 Action Units 4
1.2.4 基於賈波濾波器與降維的人臉表情辨識 7
1.2.5 使用自適應增強作特徵選擇的人臉表情辨識 8
1.2.6 雙子空間非負矩陣分解應用於人臉表情辨識 9
1.2.7 主動形狀模型 10
1.2.8 基於外觀模型的人臉表情辨識與統整 11
1.2.9 Haar-like特徵 12
1.2.10 LBP 13
1.3 章節概要 14
第二章 研究方法 15
2.1 系統架構 15
2.2 影像前處理 15
2.2.1 灰階化 16
2.2.2 人臉偵測 17
2.2.3 五官點偵測 19
2.2.4 人臉校正 20
2.2.5 影像縮放 20
2.2.6 燈光校正 21
2.3 影像特徵擷取 22
2.3.1 Gabor Filter Bank 23
2.4 區塊擷取 24
2.4.1 五官特徵在表情表現上的討論 27
2.5 降維 29
2.5.1 PCA 30
2.5.2 LDA 31
2.5.3 降維總結討論 32
2.6 分類器 33
2.6.1 支持向量機 33
第三章 研究結果與分析 36
3.1 表情辨識資料庫說明 36
3.1.1 JAFFE 37
3.1.2 JAFFE資料討論 38
3.1.3 TFEID 38
3.1.4 CK+ 40
3.1.5 101SC 41
3.2 實驗設定說明 42
3.2.1 參數設定 43
3.2.2 效能評估方法 43
3.3 前處理實驗結果 44
3.3.1 人臉校正之實驗設定 44
3.3.2 人臉校正組合辨識率分析 44
3.3.3 人臉校正為何需要之說明 45
3.4 表情辨識結果 46
3.4.1 簡述比較之現有方法 46
3.4.2 各辨識方法組合辨識率分析 47
3.4.3 ROI Capture實驗分析討論 48
3.4.4 五官特徵的表情辨識實驗分析 49
3.4.5 五官特徵與全臉的表情辨識討論 51
3.5 錯誤分析 52
第四章 結論與未來研究方向 54
4.1 結論 54
4.2 未來研究方向 55
參考文獻 57
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