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論文名稱(外文):Interference-Aware Channel Allocation Algorithm with Game Theoretic Approach for Cognitive Radio Networks
外文關鍵詞:Cognitive radio networkschannel allocationgame theoryNash equilibriumco-channel interference
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近年來,透過無線感知技術(Cognitive Radio)使得網路表現越加有效率,主要是因為允許主要使用者(Primary Users)在不使用頻道的期間,能將頻道分配給非主要使用者(Secondary Users)。但由於無線行動產品的增加以及使用者的遞增,頻道分配(Channel Allocation)問題逐漸成為一個重要的研究的議題。在本篇論文中,我們藉由賽局理論的策略,提出一個在無線感知網路中減少干擾的頻道分配演算法。我們證明提出的演算法在賽局理論的策略中能夠達到奈許均衡(Nash Equilibrium)。經由模擬的結果,我們的演算法在有干擾的感知網路中與之前的研究方法相比有較好的成效。
Cognitive radio users are allowed to utilize unused portions of the licensed spectrum, which leads to performance enhancement. With more and more wireless devices and users, the channel allocation problem has become an important issue in the cognitive radio networks. In this paper, we propose an interference-aware channel allocation algorithm with game theoretic approach. We prove our proposed algorithm can achieve Nash Equilibrium convergence in the game theory. With the results of simulations, our proposed algorithm has better performance than previous work.
Abstract ii
List of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
Chapter 3 Channel Allocation Algorithm 7
3.1 System model 7
3.2 Game Theory Formulation 9
3.2.1 Utility function 13
3.2.2 A potential Game formulation 15
3.3 Channel Allocation Algorithm 17
Chapter 4 Simulation and Evaluation 19
Chapter 5 Conclusion 25
References 26
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