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作者(外文):Ting, Hui-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Fault-tolerant TSV by Using Scan-chain Test TSV
指導教授(外文):Hwang, TingTing
口試委員(外文):Huang, Juinn-Dar
Wang, Ting-Chi
Hwang, TingTing
外文關鍵詞:test TSVrepairrecover
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:257
  • 評分評分:*****
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In order to increase the yield of 3-D IC, fault-tolerance technique to recover failed TSV is essential. In this paper, an architecture of TSV recovery by using scan-chain test TSV is proposed. With the architecture, only a small amount of redundant TSVs is required to be inserted. Extra TSV area that occurs by our method is much less than that of other methods. Moreover, a 3-D IC scan-chain optimization algorithm is proposed taking into consideration the locations of functional TSVs as well as test TSVs, so that the number of total TSVs including test TSV and extra redundant TSV of a 3-D IC design is effectively reduced.
1 Introduction.................................1
2 Preliminary and Problem De nition.............4
2.1 Architecture for TSV Recovery..............4
2.2 Fault Model................................5
2.3 3-D IC Scan Chain Structure................5
2.4 TSV Redundancy using Test TSV and MUX Configuration...8
3 Algorithm...................................10
3.1 Overview of Our Proposed Method...........10
3.2 Initial Scan Chaining.....................11
3.2.1 Wire Length.............................12
3.2.2 Congestion Cost.........................13
3.2.3 Repairing Cost..........................13
3.3 Functional TSV Assignment.................14
3.4 Redundant TSV Insertion...................19
3.5 Re-chaining...............................20
4 Experimental Results........................21
5 Conclusions.................................26
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