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作者(外文):Wang, Chia-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Pattern Recognition Approaches for Pneumonia Detection by an Electronic Nose
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yi-Wen
口試委員(外文):Tang, Kea-Tiong
Shyu, Jyuo-Min
外文關鍵詞:Electronic NoseFeature SelectionPneumoniaPattern Recognition
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論文中也提出基於構成成分作決策的混合氣體辨識方法(Individual Constituent-Decision Method, ICDM),此方法不只將混合的涵義包含在內,且可以針對各構成成分的辨識作最佳化,將所有的構成成分決策結果綜合起來,即為混合氣體的辨識結果。由於本研究尚未有肺炎菌種氣體的主要構成成分資料,所以使用市售的混合果汁氣體資料來驗證此方法。此論文將ICDM和一次把混合後的所有組合作分類的方法比較,實驗結果發現ICDM有比較高的辨識率,並且各構成成分的辨識模型(最佳特徵子集合、分類器參數)皆有所不同,表示ICDM能針對各構成成分的辨識作最佳化。
There is a serious threat of high-resistance pneumonia bacteria in the Intensive Care Unit. If a doctor finds out patients infected with pneumonia, he needs to determine which types of bacteria causes the trouble in order to prescribe the right antibiotic medicine. Up to now bacteria culture is the common way of diagnosis, but it takes five to six days to get the results. This is usually slow for emergency and some patients do not survive during the wait. Therefore, the idea of installing an electronic nose with pneumonia bacteria recognition function on artificial respiration is born. The electronic nose aims to detect whether the constituents of the gas exhaled by the patient imply bacterial infection in the lung. The monitoring can be done continually, helping physicians to perform early diagnosis and prescribe the right medicine, grasping the prime-time on saving the patient’s life.
Nano composite-array sensors are used here to get the signal from exhaled gas by the patients. Pattern recognition approaches were adopted to analyze the data; in this thesis, we choose the K nearest neighbor method (KNN) as our classifier and use sequential feature selection to obtain features that are most effective in discriminating between different types of pneumonia bacteria. The results show that the recognition rate of pneumonia detection increased slightly from 73% to 75% and the recognition rate of pneumonia bacteria recognition improved from 66% to 73%, thanks to the sequential feature selection.
This thesis also proposes a novel mixture gas recognition method, which we call the Individual Constituent-Decision Method (ICDM). The method utilizes the physical meaning of mixture, and it can be optimized separately to detect each constituent of interest. Results from all constituent-decision makers can be combined so as to produce a final result of mixture gas recognition. To validate ICDM in this thesis, because the constituting gases are unknown in the gas exhaled from pneumonia patients, we use fruit juice mixtures instead, to emulate the scenario of mixture-gas sensing. We compare ICDM with the traditional method that aims to classify all mixture combinations at one shot. Results show that ICDM has a better performance because it can find different recognition models (the best feature subset and parameters of the classifiers) for each individual constituent. This validates the idea that ICDM should be able to optimize on each individual constituent-decision.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1生物嗅覺機制 1
1.2電子鼻介紹 2
1.3 肺炎簡介以及文獻回顧 2
1.4研究動機與目的 4
第二章 奈米複合材料陣列感測器介紹及資料取得與分析 6
2.1奈米複合材料陣列感測器介紹 6
2.2臨床資料取得方式及使用資料介紹 7
2.3肺炎氣體資料於GC-MS分析結果 8
第三章 資料辨識演算法 10
3.1資料前處理 11
3.1.1 基線操縱 11
3.1.2 暫態壓縮 13
3.1.3 正規化 14
3.2 特徵選擇演算法 15
3.2.1 維度的詛咒以及維度縮減 15
3.2.2 特徵選擇:循序向後的特徵選擇演算法(SBS) 16
3.2.3 特徵選擇:循序浮動式向後的特徵選擇演算法(SFBS) 20
3.3分類器 21
3.3.1 K個最鄰近點分類器 21
3.3.2 在鄰近點使用權重的K個最鄰近點分類器 23
3.4 模型訓練 24
3.5 效果評估以及驗證 25
3.5.1 正確率 26
3.5.2 F1測量 26
3.5.3 交叉驗證 27
3.6 混合氣體辨識方法 28
3.6.1多類別辨識方法(Multi-Class Classification) 28
3.6.2基於構成成分作決策的混合氣體辨識方法(Individual Constituent-Decision Method, ICDM) 29
第四章 結果分析與討論 32
4.1 肺炎菌種氣體分析 32
4.1.1 肺炎偵測 33
4.1.2 肺炎菌種辨識 39
4.2 混合氣體辨識方法分析 44
4.2.1 多類別的辨識方法:一次對混合後的所有組合作分類 45
4.2.2 基於構成成分作決策的辨識方法(ICDM) 46
第五章 結論與未來工作 51
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