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作者(外文):Chen, Kuan-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementations of Improving Load Harmonics in Islanding Operations of Micro-Grids by Using Repetitive Control under the Double Decoupled Reference Frame
指導教授(外文):Chu, Chia-Chi
外文關鍵詞:Voltage source converter (VSC)Total harmonic distortion (THD)Repetitive controlDouble decoupled synchronous reference frame (DDSRF)
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在電子電力裝置中,以定電壓定頻率(CVCF) 空間向量脈衝寬度調變(SVPWM)的電壓源轉換器(VSC) 為主要核心的不斷電系統(UPS)系統在蓄電池後備供電系統和微電網系統中得到了廣泛的應用,其輸出電壓波型的主要要求包括:穩態時的總諧波畸變率低(THD),以及可以抑制不平衡負載所造成的電壓不平衡效果還有在換載時能有快速的暫態響應,而在本文中的控制器這三項輸出電壓要求都可以達到良好的效果。

In the power electronic equipment, the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems are widely used whose core is a CVCF SVPWM voltage source converter. The technical characters of the output voltage waveform consist of low total harmonic distortion (THD) at steady state, and mitigate the unbalanced voltage caused by unbalanced load and the rapid transient response.
In this thesis, the dual-loop control of the VSC is studied. Not only using the repetitive control to imply the outer loop voltage controller to reduce the low harmonic of the voltage, but also using the double decoupled synchronous frame (DDSRF) to be the inner loop current controller to efficiently control the positive- and negative-sequence component of the voltage at the PCC to improve the voltage unbalanced situation, beside the repetitive control principle, stability and the eroor convergence rate are also studied.
The proposed control strategy has been validated through PSCAD simulations, and implemented as a laboratory-scale VSC system providing a 1KVA power to a three-phase 220V AC voltage with a fundamental frequency of 60 Hz.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and motivation
1.2 The application of the high voltage inverter
1.3 The VSC control technology review
1.4 Purpose of the thesis and main contributions
1.4.1 Main contribution
1.5 Thesis outline
Chapter 2 Basic Repetitive Control Theory
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Repetitive Control Theory
2.3 System Structure
2.4 Performance Indicator
2.4.1 Stability 13
2.4.2 Error Convergence Rate
2.4.3 The Steady State Error
2.5 Embedded Repetitive Control System Analysis and Improvement
2.5.1 The Main Role of The Feed-forward Term
2.5.2 The effect by the delay of the plant and the controller to the system
2.5.3 The common design methods of the filter
2.6 Conclusion
Chapter 3 The VSC Control Theory
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Main Circuit Structure and Modeling
3.2.1 General Description
3.2.2 Voltage-Sourced-Converter
3.3 Control of VSC
3.3.1 Synchronous Reference Frame Current-Controller
3.3.2 Double Synchronous Reference Frame (DSRF) Current-Controller
3.3.3 Enhanced Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame Current Controller
3.4 The repetitive voltage control
3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Hardware Implementation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Voltage source converter (VSC) platform
4.2.1 DC power supply
4.2.2 Sensor board
4.2.3 Protection board
4.2.4 Digital signal processor (DSP)
4.2.5 Power stage
4.2.6 Gate driver
4.3 System parameter
4.3.1 Selection of the DC side voltage
4.3.1 Selection of the AC side filter design
4.4 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Simulation and Hardware Experiments
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Steady state under balanced load condition
5.3 Steady state under unbalanced load condition
5.4 Steady state under nonlinear load condition
5.5 Transient performance under different load change condition
5.5.1 Under balanced load change condition
5.5.2 Under unbalanced load change condition
5.6 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Scope
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Future scope
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