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作者(外文):Lee, Jeo-Yen
論文名稱(中文):適用於2.5-D IC之中介層連接線時序感知測試和修復方法
論文名稱(外文):Timing aware testing and repair for interposer wires in 2.5-D IC
指導教授(外文):Huang, Shi-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Die-to-die Interconnect Test2.5-D Stacked ICInterposerDelay FaultBridging FaultAt-Speed TestPulse-Vanishing Test
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  • 評分評分:*****
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此篇論文提出了一個適用於2.5-D IC中介層連接線的測試和修復方法。此方法的核心技術為脈衝消失測試技術(簡稱 PV-test)。此方法是藉由兩個主要電路:發射電路細胞和接收電路細胞來完成。發射電路細胞功能是發射一個短脈衝的脈衝進入中介層連接線,而接受電路細胞則負責在中介層連接線的輸出端判別是否有脈衝抵達。由於中介層連接線的負載效應,一個脈衝在經過了中介層連接線之後會有較長的上升時間和下降時間。我們可以藉由判別接收端是否有偵測到脈衝,來判別中介層連接線的延遲錯誤。脈衝消失測試方法不但可以偵測中介層連接線的開路故障也可以偵測中介層連接線之間的橋接故障,藉由在發射電路細胞中增加一個D型正反器讓每個測試週期只有一個脈衝輸入一條中介層連接線來測試橋接故障。此外,透過縮小測試模式下的驅動強度,此方法也可以偵測中介層連接線中較小的延遲錯誤。相較於其它中介層連接線測試方法,此方法有許多優點:因為此方法是由邏輯電路組成所以相當容易和傳統的邊界掃瞄電路合併;此方法的測試時間較短,我們只需要0.82毫秒來測試1024條中介層連接線;此方法支援即時診斷,我們可以利用診斷的結果,來實做內建自我修復機制讓整篇論文更加完整。
We present a general at-speed test method for die-to-die interconnects and demonstrate its particular application for the interposer wires in a 2.5-D IC. At the heart of this method is a Pulse-Vanishing test technique (called PV-test), in which a short-duration pulse signal is applied to an interposer wire under test at the driver end. If this pulse vanishes at the receiver’s output, then it indicates the presence of a delay fault. This PV-test technique is effective for detecting not only resistive open faults, but also resistive bridging faults between interposer wires. This method has several other advantages. For example, the implementation is especially easy as it incorporates only logic cells and can be merged with boundary scan cells. Besides, because it can support on-the-spot diagnosis, we already have implemented Built-In Self-Repair to make the whole thesis more solid.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
致謝 iii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 6
2.1 Electrical Model of an Interposer Wire 6
Chapter 3 Pulse-Vanishing test 8
3.1 Basic Concept 8
3.2 Design-for-Testability Circuitry 11
3.3 Boundary-Scan-Compatible DfT Circuitry 13
3.4 Basic PV-Test Flow 16
3.5 Negative PV-Test Flow 19
3.6 Test Architecture 21
Chapter 4 Enhancement 23
4.1 Modifying PV-Test for Bridging Faults 23
4.2 Test Threshold Adjustment by Driver Down-sizing 25
4.3 Repairing Methodology after PV-test 28
Chapter 5 Experimental Results 31
5.1 Simulation Results 32
5.2 Test Time Analysis 35
5.3 Area Overhead 36
5.4 Comparison 37
Chapter 6 Conclusion 38
Bibliography 39
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