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作者(外文):Chen, Jyun Ting
論文名稱(外文):Using sequential switching asymmetric stimulating waveforms to implement a current-mode neuron stimulator with residual charge mismatch percentage less than 0.1%
指導教授(外文):Tang, Kea Tiong
外文關鍵詞:stimulator circuitFunctional electrical stimulationasymmetric waveformlow residual charge
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Bio-medical field has drawn more and more attention in recent years. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been researched and applied to treat neuron disease, repair the physiological function of patients suffering from neuron damage. The stimulator is very close to neuron in all implantable devices, so safety is the critical point. Usually, residual charge on electrode/neuron interface after once stimulation is estimated as safety standard. We wish the residual charge can be reduced as low as possible. Because lower residual charge means the electrode electrolysis probability is smaller.
Besides, some researches have proven that the stimulator with asymmetric stimulation output waveform can reduce neuron stimulation threshold charge effectively. However, stimulator with asymmetric output waveform is hard to reduce residual charge because of its difficult calibration through circuit.
According to above design hard point, we use an improved current source control signal called sequential switching signal (S.S signal) to achieve lower residual charge when transferring asymmetric waveform. The stimulator has been fabricated using TSMC 0.18μm technology. Simulation result shows that stimulation current is up to 400μA and its residual charge mismatch percentage is less than 0.1%.
第一章 序論
1.1 刺激器研究發展現況
1.2 神經及刺激器運作原理
1.3 神經刺激器系統架構及其設計要點
1.4 研究動機
1.5 本論文各章節簡介
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 神經刺激器刺激方式及其相關架構
2.2 常見電荷平衡技巧文獻回顧
2.3 非對稱式波形刺激下的電荷平衡文獻回顧
第三章 電路實現技巧與電路架構
3.1 電路系統架構圖
3.2 電流鏡控制訊號改良
A. 一般電流鏡放大誤差
B. Williams式電流鏡控制訊號
C. 依序式分支電流鏡控制訊號
3.3 各子電路架構
A. 電流式數位類比轉換器DAC
B. 分支型電流鏡multi-branch current mirror
C. 運算放大器OPAMP
D. 開關陣列Switch array
第四章 模擬結果
4.1 晶片佈局圖
4.2 輸出波形圖
4.3 蒙地卡羅模擬:Williams式 V.S. 序列切換式
4.4 序列切換式訊號:Pre-sim V.S. Post-sim
4.5 規格表及文獻比較
4.6 模擬結果討論
第五章 結論
5.1 未來工作
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